Source code for edisgo.opf.results.opf_result_class

import logging
import os

from zipfile import ZipFile

import pandas as pd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LineVariables: def __init__(self): self.p = pd.DataFrame() self.q = pd.DataFrame() self.ccm = pd.DataFrame() def _attributes(self): return ["p", "q", "ccm"]
[docs] class HeatStorage: def __init__(self): self.p = pd.DataFrame() self.e = pd.DataFrame() self.p_slack = pd.DataFrame() def _attributes(self): return ["p", "e", "p_slack"]
[docs] class BatteryStorage: def __init__(self): self.p = pd.DataFrame() self.e = pd.DataFrame() def _attributes(self): return ["p", "e"]
[docs] class GridSlacks: def __init__(self): self.gen_d_crt = pd.DataFrame() self.gen_nd_crt = pd.DataFrame() self.load_shedding = pd.DataFrame() self.cp_load_shedding = pd.DataFrame() self.hp_load_shedding = pd.DataFrame() self.hp_operation_slack = pd.DataFrame() def _attributes(self): return [ "gen_d_crt", "gen_nd_crt", "load_shedding", "cp_load_shedding", "hp_load_shedding", "hp_operation_slack", ]
[docs] class OPFResults: def __init__(self): self.status = None self.solution_time = None self.solver = None self.lines_t = LineVariables() self.slack_generator_t = pd.DataFrame() self.heat_storage_t = HeatStorage() self.hv_requirement_slacks_t = pd.DataFrame() self.grid_slacks_t = GridSlacks() self.overlying_grid = pd.DataFrame() self.battery_storage_t = BatteryStorage()
[docs] def to_csv(self, directory, attributes=None): """ Exports OPF results data to csv files. The following attributes can be exported: * 'lines_t' : The results of the three variables in attribute :py:attr:`~lines_t` are saved to `lines_t_p.csv`, `lines_t_p.csv`, and `lines_t_ccm.csv`. * 'slack_generator_t' : Attribute :py:attr:`~slack_generator_t` is saved to `slack_generator_t.csv`. * 'heat_storage_t' : The results of the two variables in attribute :py:attr:`~heat_storage_t` are saved to `heat_storage_t_p.csv` and `heat_storage_t_e.csv`. * 'hv_requirement_slacks_t' : Attribute :py:attr:`~hv_requirement_slacks_t` is saved to `hv_requirement_slacks_t.csv`. * 'grid_slacks_t' : The results of the five variables in attribute :py:attr:`~grid_slacks_t` are saved to `dispatchable_gen_crt.csv`, `non_dispatchable_gen_crt.csv`, `load_shedding.csv`, `cp_load_shedding.csv` and `hp_load_shedding.csv`. * 'overlying_grid' : Attribute :py:attr:`~overlying_grid` is saved to `overlying_grid.csv`. Parameters ---------- directory : str Path to save OPF results data to. attributes : list(str) or None List of attributes to export. See above for attributes that can be exported. If None, all specified attributes are exported. Default: None. """ os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) attrs_file_names = _get_matching_dict_of_attributes_and_file_names() if attributes is None: attributes = list(attrs_file_names.keys()) for attr in attributes: file = attrs_file_names[attr] df = getattr(self, attr) if attr in [ "lines_t", "heat_storage_t", "grid_slacks_t", "battery_storage_t", ]: for variable in file.keys(): if variable in df._attributes() and not getattr(df, variable).empty: path = os.path.join(directory, file[variable]) getattr(df, variable).to_csv(path) else: if not df.empty: path = os.path.join(directory, file) df.to_csv(path)
[docs] def from_csv(self, data_path, from_zip_archive=False): """ Restores OPF results from csv files. Parameters ---------- data_path : str Path to OPF results csv files. from_zip_archive : bool, optional Set True if data is archived in a zip archive. Default: False. """ attrs = _get_matching_dict_of_attributes_and_file_names() if from_zip_archive: # read from zip archive # setup ZipFile Class zip = ZipFile(data_path) # get all directories and files within zip archive files = zip.namelist() # add directory and .csv to files to match zip archive attrs = { k: ( f"opf_results/{v}" if isinstance(v, str) else {k2: f"opf_results/{v2}" for k2, v2 in v.items()} ) for k, v in attrs.items() } else: # read from directory # check files within the directory files = os.listdir(data_path) attrs_to_read = { k: v for k, v in attrs.items() if (isinstance(v, str) and v in files) or (isinstance(v, dict) and any([_ in files for _ in v.values()])) } for attr, file in attrs_to_read.items(): if attr in [ "lines_t", "heat_storage_t", "grid_slacks_t", "battery_storage_t", ]: for variable, file_name in file.items(): if file_name in files: if from_zip_archive: # open zip file to make it readable for pandas with as f: setattr( getattr(self, attr), variable, pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0, parse_dates=True), ) else: path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) setattr( getattr(self, attr), variable, pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True), ) else: if from_zip_archive: # open zip file to make it readable for pandas with as f: df = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) else: path = os.path.join(data_path, file) df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) setattr(self, attr, df) if from_zip_archive: # make sure to destroy ZipFile Class to close any open connections zip.close()
def _get_matching_dict_of_attributes_and_file_names(): """ Helper function to specify which OPF results attributes to save and restore and maps them to the file name. Is used in functions :attr:`~.opf.results.opf_results_class.from_csv` and :attr:`~.opf.results.opf_results_class.to_csv`. Returns ------- dict Dict of OPF results attributes to save and restore as keys and matching files as values. """ opf_results_dict = { "slack_generator_t": "slack_generator_t.csv", "hv_requirement_slacks_t": "hv_requirement_slacks_t.csv", "overlying_grid": "overlying_grid.csv", "lines_t": { "p": "lines_t_p.csv", "q": "lines_t_q.csv", "ccm": "lines_t_ccm.csv", }, "heat_storage_t": { "p": "heat_storage_t_p.csv", "e": "heat_storage_t_e.csv", "p_slack": "heat_storage_t_p_slack.csv", }, "battery_storage_t": { "p": "battery_storage_t_p.csv", "e": "battery_storage_t_e.csv", }, "grid_slacks_t": { "gen_d_crt": "dispatchable_gen_crt.csv", "gen_nd_crt": "non_dispatchable_gen_crt.csv", "load_shedding": "load_shedding.csv", "cp_load_shedding": "cp_load_shedding.csv", "hp_load_shedding": "hp_load_shedding.csv", "hp_operation_slack": "hp_operation_slack.csv", }, } return opf_results_dict