Source code for edisgo.flex_opt.charging_strategies

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from numbers import Number
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    from edisgo import EDisGo

    "dumb": [
    "reduced": [
    "residual_dumb": [
    "residual": [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: the dummy timeseries should be as long as the simulated days and not
#  the timeindex of the edisgo object. At the moment this would result into
#  wrong results if the timeindex of the edisgo object is not continuously
#  (e.g. 2 weeks of the year)
[docs]def charging_strategy( edisgo_obj: EDisGo, strategy: str = "dumb", timestamp_share_threshold: Number = 0.2, minimum_charging_capacity_factor: Number = 0.1, ): """ Applies charging strategy to set EV charging time series at charging parks. See :attr:`~.edisgo.EDisGo.apply_charging_strategy` for more information. Parameters ---------- edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo` strategy : str Defines the charging strategy to apply. See `strategy` parameter :attr:`~.edisgo.EDisGo.apply_charging_strategy` for more information. Default: 'dumb'. timestamp_share_threshold : float Percental threshold of the time required at a time step for charging the vehicle. See `timestamp_share_threshold` parameter :attr:`~.edisgo.EDisGo.apply_charging_strategy` for more information. Default: 0.2. minimum_charging_capacity_factor : float Technical minimum charging power of charging points in p.u. used in case of charging strategy 'reduced'. See `minimum_charging_capacity_factor` parameter :attr:`~.edisgo.EDisGo.apply_charging_strategy` for more information. Default: 0.1. """ # get integrated charging parks charging_parks = [ cp for cp in list(edisgo_obj.electromobility.potential_charging_parks) if cp.grid is not None ] # Delete possible old time series as these influence "residual" charging edisgo_obj.timeseries.drop_component_time_series( "loads_active_power", edisgo_obj.electromobility.integrated_charging_parks_df.edisgo_id.values, ) edisgo_obj.timeseries.drop_component_time_series( "loads_reactive_power", edisgo_obj.electromobility.integrated_charging_parks_df.edisgo_id.values, ) eta_cp = edisgo_obj.electromobility.eta_charging_points len_ts = int( edisgo_obj.electromobility.simulated_days * 24 * 60 / edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize ) timeindex = pd.date_range( edisgo_obj.timeseries.timeindex[0], periods=len_ts, freq=f"{edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize}min", ) edisgo_timedelta = ( edisgo_obj.timeseries.timeindex[1] - edisgo_obj.timeseries.timeindex[0] ) simbev_timedelta = timeindex[1] - timeindex[0] resample = edisgo_timedelta != simbev_timedelta if resample: logger.warning( f"The frequency of the time series data of the edisgo object differs from " f"the simbev time series frequency. The edisgo frequency is " f"{edisgo_timedelta}, while the simbev frequency is {simbev_timedelta}. " f"The edisgo time series data " f"will be resampled accordingly before applying the charging strategy. " f"After applying the charging strategy all time series will be resampled " f"to the original frequency of the edisgo time series data." ) edisgo_obj.resample_timeseries(freq=simbev_timedelta) if strategy == "dumb": # "dumb" charging for cp in charging_parks: dummy_ts = np.zeros(len_ts) charging_processes_df = harmonize_charging_processes_df( cp.charging_processes_df, edisgo_obj, len_ts, timestamp_share_threshold, strategy=strategy, eta_cp=eta_cp, ) for _, start, stop, cap in charging_processes_df[ RELEVANT_CHARGING_STRATEGIES_COLUMNS["dumb"] ].itertuples(): dummy_ts[start : start + stop] += cap edisgo_obj.timeseries.add_component_time_series( "loads_active_power", pd.DataFrame(data={cp.edisgo_id: dummy_ts}, index=timeindex), ) elif strategy == "reduced": # "reduced" charging for cp in charging_parks: dummy_ts = np.zeros(len_ts) charging_processes_df = harmonize_charging_processes_df( cp.charging_processes_df, edisgo_obj, len_ts, timestamp_share_threshold, strategy=strategy, minimum_charging_capacity_factor=minimum_charging_capacity_factor, eta_cp=eta_cp, ) for ( _, use_case, start, stop_dumb, cap_dumb, stop_reduced, cap_reduced, ) in charging_processes_df[ RELEVANT_CHARGING_STRATEGIES_COLUMNS["reduced"] ].itertuples(): if use_case == "public" or use_case == "hpc": # if the charging process takes place in a "public" setting # the charging is "dumb" dummy_ts[start : start + stop_dumb] += cap_dumb else: dummy_ts[start : start + stop_reduced] += cap_reduced edisgo_obj.timeseries.add_component_time_series( "loads_active_power", pd.DataFrame(data={cp.edisgo_id: dummy_ts}, index=timeindex), ) elif strategy == "residual": # "residual" charging # only use charging processes from integrated charging parks charging_processes_df = edisgo_obj.electromobility.charging_processes_df[ edisgo_obj.electromobility.charging_processes_df.charging_park_id.isin( edisgo_obj.electromobility.integrated_charging_parks_df.index ) ] charging_processes_df = harmonize_charging_processes_df( charging_processes_df, edisgo_obj, len_ts, timestamp_share_threshold, strategy=strategy, eta_cp=eta_cp, ) # get residual load init_residual_load = edisgo_obj.timeseries.residual_load len_residual_load = int(charging_processes_df.park_end_timesteps.max()) if len(init_residual_load) >= len_residual_load: init_residual_load = init_residual_load.loc[timeindex] else: while len(init_residual_load) < len_residual_load: len_rl = len(init_residual_load) len_append = min(len_rl, len_residual_load - len_rl) s_append = init_residual_load.iloc[:len_append] init_residual_load = pd.concat( [ init_residual_load, s_append, ], ignore_index=True, ) init_residual_load = init_residual_load.to_numpy() timeindex_residual = pd.date_range( edisgo_obj.timeseries.timeindex[0], periods=len(init_residual_load), freq=f"{edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize}min", ) dummy_ts = pd.DataFrame( data=0.0, columns=[ for _ in charging_parks], index=timeindex_residual ) # determine which charging processes can be flexibilized dumb_charging_processes_df = charging_processes_df.loc[ charging_processes_df.use_case.isin(["public", "hpc"]) | (charging_processes_df.flex_time == 0) ] flex_charging_processes_df = charging_processes_df.loc[ ~charging_processes_df.index.isin(dumb_charging_processes_df.index) ] # perform dumb charging processes and respect them in the residual load for _, cp_id, start, stop, cap in dumb_charging_processes_df[ RELEVANT_CHARGING_STRATEGIES_COLUMNS["residual_dumb"] ].itertuples(): try: dummy_ts.loc[:, cp_id].iloc[start : start + stop] += cap except Exception: maximum_ts = len(dummy_ts) logger.warning( f"Charging process with index {_} could not be respected. The park " f"start is at time step {start} and the park end is at time step " f"{start + stop}, while the time series consists of {maximum_ts} " f"time steps." ) residual_load = init_residual_load + dummy_ts.sum(axis=1).to_numpy() for _, start, end, k, cp_id, cap in flex_charging_processes_df[ RELEVANT_CHARGING_STRATEGIES_COLUMNS["residual"] ].itertuples(): flex_band = residual_load[start : end + 1] # get k time steps with the lowest residual load in the parking # time idx = np.argpartition(flex_band, k)[:k] + start try: dummy_ts[cp_id].iloc[idx] += cap residual_load[idx] += cap except Exception: logger.warning( f"Charging process with index {_} could not be " f"respected. The charging takes place within the " f"time steps {idx}, while the time series consists of " f"{maximum_ts} time steps." ) edisgo_obj.timeseries.add_component_time_series( "loads_active_power", dummy_ts.rename( columns={ cp_id:[ cp_id, "edisgo_id" ] for cp_id in dummy_ts.columns } ), ) else: raise ValueError(f"Strategy {strategy} has not yet been implemented.") if resample: edisgo_obj.resample_timeseries(freq=edisgo_timedelta) # set reactive power time series to 0 Mvar # fmt: off edisgo_obj.timeseries.add_component_time_series( "loads_reactive_power", pd.DataFrame( data=0.0, index=edisgo_obj.timeseries.timeindex, columns=edisgo_obj.electromobility.integrated_charging_parks_df .edisgo_id.values, ), ) # fmt: on"Charging strategy {strategy} completed.")
[docs]def harmonize_charging_processes_df( df, edisgo_obj, len_ts, timestamp_share_threshold, strategy=None, minimum_charging_capacity_factor=0.1, eta_cp=1.0, ): """ Harmonizes the charging processes to prevent differences in the energy demand per charging strategy. Parameters ---------- df : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<DataFrame>` Charging processes DataFrame. len_ts : int Length of the timeseries. timestamp_share_threshold : float See description in :func:`~.flex_opt.charging_strategies.charging_strategy`. strategy : str See description in :func:`~.flex_opt.charging_strategies.charging_strategy`. minimum_charging_capacity_factor : float See description in :func:`~.flex_opt.charging_strategies.charging_strategy`. Default: 0.1. eta_cp : float Charging point efficiency. Default: 1.0. """ # FIXME: This should become obsolete in the future when SimBEV is bugfixed # drop rows that have a park start higher than simulated days df = df.loc[df.park_start_timesteps <= len_ts] # calculate the minimum time taken to fulfill the charging demand minimum_charging_time = ( df.chargingdemand_kWh / df.nominal_charging_capacity_kW * 60 / edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize ) # calculate in which time steps the last time step needed to fulfill # the charging demand is considered in the time series mask = (minimum_charging_time % 1) >= timestamp_share_threshold minimum_charging_time.loc[mask] = minimum_charging_time.apply(np.ceil) minimum_charging_time.loc[~mask] = minimum_charging_time.apply(np.floor) # recalculate the charging demand from the charging capacity # and the minimum charging time # Calculate the grid sided charging capacity in MVA df = df.assign( minimum_charging_time=minimum_charging_time.astype(np.uint16), harmonized_chargingdemand=minimum_charging_time * df.nominal_charging_capacity_kW * edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize / 60, nominal_charging_capacity_mva=df.nominal_charging_capacity_kW.divide( 10**3 * eta_cp ), # kW --> MW ) if strategy == "reduced": parking_time = df.park_end_timesteps - df.park_start_timesteps # calculate the maximum needed charging time with the minimum # charging capacity maximum_needed_charging_time = ( df.harmonized_chargingdemand / (minimum_charging_capacity_factor * df.nominal_charging_capacity_kW) * 60 / edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize ) maximum_needed_charging_time = maximum_needed_charging_time.apply( np.floor ).astype(np.uint16) # when the parking time is less than the maximum needed charging # time, the total charging time equates the parking time and the # charging capacity is recalculated accordingly mask = parking_time <= maximum_needed_charging_time df = df.assign( reduced_charging_time=0, reduced_charging_capacity=0, ) df.loc[mask, "reduced_charging_time"] = parking_time.loc[mask] df.loc[~mask, "reduced_charging_time"] = maximum_needed_charging_time.loc[~mask] df.reduced_charging_capacity = ( df.harmonized_chargingdemand / df.reduced_charging_time * 60 / edisgo_obj.electromobility.stepsize ) df = df.assign( reduced_charging_capacity_mva=df.reduced_charging_capacity.divide( 10**3 * eta_cp ) ) elif strategy == "residual": # the flex time/band is defined as the amount of time steps not # needed to fulfill the charging demand in a parking process df = df.assign(flex_time=df.park_time_timesteps - df.minimum_charging_time) df = df.sort_values( by=["flex_time", "park_start_timesteps", "park_end_timesteps"], ascending=[True, True, True], ) return df