Getting started

Installation using Linux


Make sure to use python 3.8 or higher!

Install latest eDisGo version through pip. Therefore, we highly recommend using a virtual environment and its pip.

python -m pip install edisgo

You may also consider installing a developer version as detailed in Notes to developers.

Installation using Windows


Make sure to use python 3.8 or higher!

For Windows users we recommend using Anaconda and to install the geo stack using the conda-forge channel prior to installing eDisGo. You may use the provided eDisGo_env.yml file to do so. Download the file and create a virtual environment with:

conda env create -f path/to/eDisGo_env.yml

Activate the newly created environment with:

conda activate eDisGo_env

Installation using MacOS

We don’t have any experience with our package on MacOS yet! If you try eDisGo on MacOS we would be happy if you let us know about your experience!

Requirements for edisgoOPF package


The non-linear optimal power flow is currently not maintained and might not work out of the box!

To use the multiperiod optimal power flow that is provided in the julia package edisgoOPF in eDisGo you additionally need to install julia version 1.1.1. Download julia from julia download page and add it to your path (see platform specific instructions for more information).

Before using the edisgoOPF julia package for the first time you need to instantiate it. Therefore, in a terminal change directory to the edisgoOPF package located in eDisGo/edisgo/opf/edisgoOPF and call julia from there. Change to package mode by typing


Then activate the package:

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

And finally instantiate it:

(SomeProject) pkg> instantiate

Additional linear solver

As with the default linear solver in Ipopt (local solver used in the OPF) the limit for prolem sizes is reached quite quickly, you may want to instead use the solver HSL_MA97. The steps required to set up HSL are also described in the Ipopt Documentation. Here is a short version for reference:

First, you need to obtain an academic license for HSL Solvers. Under download the sources for Coin-HSL Full (Stable). You will need to provide an institutional e-mail to gain access.

Unpack the tar.gz:

tar -xvzf coinhsl-2014.01.10.tar.gz

To install the solver, clone the Ipopt Third Party HSL tools:

git clone
cd ThirdParty-HSL

Under ThirdParty-HSL, create a folder for the HSL sources named coinhsl and copy the contents of the HSL archive into it. Under Ubuntu, you’ll need BLAS, LAPACK and GCC for Fortran. If you don’t have them, install them via:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran

You can then configure and install your HSL Solvers:

sudo make install

To make Ipopt pick up the solver, you need to add it to your path. During install, there will be an output that tells you where the libraries have been put. Usually like this:

Libraries have been installed in:

Add this path to the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

export LD_LIBRARY="/usr/local/bin":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

You might also want to add this to your .bashrc to make it persistent.

For some reason, Ipopt looks for a library named, which is not what the file is named, so we’ll also need to provide a symlink:

cd /usr/local/lib
ln -s

MA97 should now work and can be called from Julia with:



Beyond a running and up-to-date installation of eDisGo you need grid topology data. Currently synthetic grid data generated with the python project Ding0 is the only supported data source. You can retrieve data from Zenodo (make sure you choose latest data) or check out the Ding0 documentation on how to generate grids yourself.

A minimum working example

Following you find short examples on how to use eDisGo to set up a network and time series information for loads and generators in the network and afterwards conduct a power flow analysis and determine possible grid expansion needs and costs. Further details are provided in Usage details. Further examples can be found in the examples directory.

All following examples assume you have a ding0 grid topology (directory containing csv files, defining the grid topology) in a directory “ding0_example_grid” in the directory from where you run your example. If you do not have an example grid, you can download one here.

Aside from grid topology data you may eventually need a dataset on future installation of power plants. You may therefore use the scenarios developed in the open_eGo project that are available in the OpenEnergy DataBase (oedb) hosted on the OpenEnergy Platform (OEP). eDisGo provides an interface to the oedb using the package gives you a python SQL-Alchemy representations of the oedb and access to it by using the oedialect, an SQL-Alchemy dialect used by the OEP.

You can run a worst-case scenario as follows:

from edisgo import EDisGo

# Set up the EDisGo object - the EDisGo object provides the top-level API for
# invocation of data import, power flow analysis, network reinforcement,
# flexibility measures, etc..
edisgo_obj = EDisGo(ding0_grid="ding0_example_grid")

# Import scenario for future generator park from the oedb

# Set up feed-in and load time series (here for a worst case analysis)

# Conduct power flow analysis (non-linear power flow using PyPSA)

# Do grid reinforcement

# Determine costs for each line/transformer that was reinforced
costs = edisgo_obj.results.grid_expansion_costs

Instead of conducting a worst-case analysis you can also provide specific time series:

import pandas as pd
from edisgo import EDisGo

# Set up the EDisGo object with generator park scenario NEP2035
edisgo_obj = EDisGo(

# Set up your own time series by load sector and generator type (these are dummy
# time series!)
timeindex = pd.date_range("1/1/2011", periods=4, freq="H")
# load time series (scaled by annual demand)
timeseries_load = pd.DataFrame(
    {"residential": [0.0001] * len(timeindex),
     "retail": [0.0002] * len(timeindex),
     "industrial": [0.00015] * len(timeindex),
     "agricultural": [0.00005] * len(timeindex)
# feed-in time series of fluctuating generators (scaled by nominal power)
timeseries_generation_fluctuating = pd.DataFrame(
    {"solar": [0.2] * len(timeindex),
     "wind": [0.3] * len(timeindex)
# feed-in time series of dispatchable generators (scaled by nominal power)
timeseries_generation_dispatchable = pd.DataFrame(
    {"biomass": [1] * len(timeindex),
     "coal": [1] * len(timeindex),
     "other": [1] * len(timeindex)

# Before you can set the time series to the edisgo_obj you need to set the time
# index (this could also be done upon initialisation of the edisgo_obj) - the time
# index specifies which time steps to consider in power flow analysis

# Now you can set the active power time series of loads and generators in the grid

# Before you can now run a power flow analysis and determine grid expansion needs,
# reactive power time series of the loads and generators also need to be set. If you
# simply want to use default configurations, you can do the following.

# Now you are ready to determine grid expansion needs

# Determine cost for each line/transformer that was reinforced
costs = edisgo_obj.results.grid_expansion_costs

Time series for loads and fluctuating generators can also be automatically generated using the provided API for the oemof demandlib and the OpenEnergy DataBase:

import pandas as pd
from edisgo import EDisGo

# Set up the EDisGo object with generator park scenario NEP2035 and time index
timeindex = pd.date_range("1/1/2011", periods=4, freq="H")
edisgo_obj = EDisGo(

# Set up your own time series by load sector and generator type (these are dummy
# time series!)
# Set up active power time series of loads and generators in the grid using prede-
# fined profiles per load sector and technology type
# (There are currently no predefined profiles for dispatchable generators, wherefore
# their feed-in profiles need to be provided)
timeseries_generation_dispatchable = pd.DataFrame(
    {"biomass": [1] * len(timeindex),
     "coal": [1] * len(timeindex),
     "other": [1] * len(timeindex)

# Before you can now run a power flow analysis and determine grid expansion needs,
# reactive power time series of the loads and generators also need to be set. Here,
# default configurations are again used.

# Do grid reinforcement

# Determine cost for each line/transformer that was reinforced
costs = edisgo_obj.results.grid_expansion_costs


Copyright (C) 2018 Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see