
Module Contents


reinforce_grid(→ edisgo.network.results.Results)

Evaluates network reinforcement needs and performs measures.

edisgo.flex_opt.reinforce_grid.reinforce_grid(edisgo: edisgo.EDisGo, timesteps_pfa: str | pd.DatetimeIndex | pd.Timestamp | None = None, copy_grid: bool = False, max_while_iterations: int = 20, combined_analysis: bool = False, mode: str | None = None, without_generator_import: bool = False) edisgo.network.results.Results[source]

Evaluates network reinforcement needs and performs measures.

This function is the parent function for all network reinforcements.

  • edisgo (EDisGo) – The eDisGo API object

  • timesteps_pfa (str or pandas.DatetimeIndex or pandas.Timestamp) –

    timesteps_pfa specifies for which time steps power flow analysis is conducted and therefore which time steps to consider when checking for over-loading and over-voltage issues. It defaults to None in which case all timesteps in timeseries.timeindex (see TimeSeries) are used. Possible options are:

    • None Time steps in timeseries.timeindex (see TimeSeries) are used.

    • ’snapshot_analysis’ Reinforcement is conducted for two worst-case snapshots. See edisgo.tools.tools.select_worstcase_snapshots() for further explanation on how worst-case snapshots are chosen. Note: If you have large time series choosing this option will save calculation time since power flow analysis is only conducted for two time steps. If your time series already represents the worst-case keep the default value of None because finding the worst-case snapshots takes some time.

    • pandas.DatetimeIndex or pandas.Timestamp Use this option to explicitly choose which time steps to consider.

  • copy_grid (bool) – If True reinforcement is conducted on a copied grid and discarded. Default: False.

  • max_while_iterations (int) – Maximum number of times each while loop is conducted.

  • combined_analysis (bool) – If True allowed voltage deviations for combined analysis of MV and LV topology are used. If False different allowed voltage deviations for MV and LV are used. See also config section grid_expansion_allowed_voltage_deviations. If mode is set to ‘mv’ combined_analysis should be False. Default: False.

  • mode (str) –

    Determines network levels reinforcement is conducted for. Specify

    • None to reinforce MV and LV network levels. None is the default.

    • ’mv’ to reinforce MV network level only, neglecting MV/LV stations, and LV network topology. LV load and generation is aggregated per LV network and directly connected to the primary side of the respective MV/LV station.

    • ’mvlv’ to reinforce MV network level only, including MV/LV stations, and neglecting LV network topology. LV load and generation is aggregated per LV network and directly connected to the secondary side of the respective MV/LV station.

    • ’lv’ to reinforce LV networks including MV/LV stations.

  • without_generator_import (bool) – If True excludes lines that were added in the generator import to connect new generators to the topology from calculation of topology expansion costs. Default: False.


Returns the Results object holding network expansion costs, equipment changes, etc.

Return type



See Features in detail for more information on how network reinforcement is conducted.