Source code for edisgo.opf.run_mp_opf

import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess

from timeit import default_timer as timer

import numpy as np

from edisgo.opf.util.scenario_settings import opf_settings
from import (
from import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def convert(o): """ Helper function for json dump, as int64 cannot be dumped. """ if isinstance(o, np.int64): return int(o) raise TypeError
[docs]def bus_names_to_ints(pypsa_network, bus_names): """ This remaps a list of eDisGo bus names from Strings to Integers. Integer indices are needed for the optimization. The result uses one-based indexing, as it gets passed on to Julia directly. Parameters ----------- pypsa_network : bus_names : list(str) List of bus names to be remapped to indices. Returns -------- list(int) List of one-based bus indices. """ # map bus name to its integer index bus_indices = [] for name in bus_names: bus_indices.append(pypsa_network.buses.index.get_loc(name)) # Increment each Python index by one, as Julia uses one-based indexing bus_indices = [i + 1 for i in bus_indices] return bus_indices
[docs]def run_mp_opf(edisgo_network, timesteps=None, storage_series=[], **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- edisgo_network : timesteps: `pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>` or `pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>` **kwargs : "scenario" : "nep" # objective function "objective": "nep", # chosen relaxation "relaxation": "none", # upper bound on network expansion "max_exp": 10, # number of time steps considered in optimization "time_horizon": 2, # length of time step in hours "time_elapsed": 1.0, # storage units are considered "storage_units": False, # positioning of storage units, if empty list, all buses are potential positions # of storage units and # capacity is optimized "storage_buses": [], # total storage capacity in the network "total_storage_capacity": 0.0, # Requirements for curtailment in every time step is considered "storage_series": [], # Time series for storage operation required by upper grid layer "curtailment_requirement": False, # List of total curtailment for each time step, len(list)== "time_horizon" "curtailment_requirement_series": [], # An overall allowance of curtailment is considered "curtailment_allowance": False, # Maximal allowed curtailment over entire time horizon, # DEFAULT: "3percent"=> 3% of total RES generation in time horizon may be # curtailed, else: Float "curtailment_total": "3percent", "results_path": "opf_solutions" # path to where OPF results are stored """ opf_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) julia_env_dir = os.path.join(opf_dir, "edisgoOPF") scenario_data_dir = os.path.join(opf_dir, "edisgo_scenario_data") logger.debug(julia_env_dir) logger.debug(scenario_data_dir) # solution_dir = os.path.join(opf_dir, "opf_solutions/") # set path to edisgoOPF folder for scenario data and julia module relative to this # file # abspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # opf_dir = os.path.join(abspath, "edisgoOPF/") # scenario_data_dir = os.path.join(opf_dir, "edisgo_scenario_data") # set julia env path # julia_env_dir = os.path.join(opf_dir, "edisgoOPF/") if timesteps is None: # TODO worst case snapshot analysis logger.error("TODO implement worst case snapshots") raise ValueError("Need to specify timesteps for multiperiod opf") # only mv mode possible mode = "mv" # read settings from kwargs settings = opf_settings() settings["time_horizon"] = len(timesteps) # convert edisgo network to pypsa network for timesteps on MV-level # aggregate all loads and generators in LV-grids # TODO check aggregation logger.debug("converting to pypsa_mv") pypsa_mv = edisgo_network.to_pypsa( mode=mode, # aggregate_loads="all", # aggregate_generators="all", timesteps=timesteps, ) # adapt allowed s_nom for load case if kwargs.get("load_case", False): pypsa_mv.lines.loc[:, "s_nom"] = pypsa_mv.lines.loc[:, "s_nom"] * 0.5 timehorizon = len(pypsa_mv.snapshots) # set name of pypsa network = "ding0_{}_t_{}".format(, timehorizon) # Remap storage bus names to Integers, if any if "storage_buses" in kwargs: bus_names = kwargs["storage_buses"] bus_indices = bus_names_to_ints(pypsa_mv, bus_names) kwargs["storage_buses"] = bus_indices for args in kwargs.items(): if args[0] in settings: # if hasattr(settings,args[0]): settings[args[0]] = args[1] # preprocess pypsa structure logger.debug("preprocessing pypsa structure for opf") preprocess_pypsa_opf_structure(edisgo_network, pypsa_mv, hvmv_trafo=False) aggregate_fluct_generators(pypsa_mv) # convert pypsa structure to network dictionary and create dictionaries for time # series of loads and generators pm, load_data, gen_data = to_powermodels(pypsa_mv) storage_data = convert_storage_series(storage_series) # Export eDisGo storage only for operation only as they would interfere with # positioning if settings["storage_operation_only"]: add_storage_from_edisgo(edisgo_network, pypsa_mv, pm) # dump json files for static network information, timeseries of loads and # generators, and opf settings with open( os.path.join(scenario_data_dir, "{}_static.json".format(pm["name"])), "w", ) as outfile: json.dump(pm, outfile, default=convert) with open( os.path.join(scenario_data_dir, "{}_loads.json".format(pm["name"])), "w", ) as outfile: json.dump(load_data, outfile, default=convert) with open( os.path.join(scenario_data_dir, "{}_gens.json".format(pm["name"])), "w" ) as outfile: json.dump(gen_data, outfile, default=convert) with open( os.path.join(scenario_data_dir, "{}_storage.json".format(pm["name"])), "w", ) as outfile: json.dump(storage_data, outfile, default=convert) with open( os.path.join(scenario_data_dir, "{}_opf_setting.json".format(pm["name"])), "w", ) as outfile: json.dump(settings, outfile, default=convert)"starting julia process") start = timer() solution_dir = kwargs.get("results_path", os.path.join(opf_dir, "opf_solutions")) julia_process = [ "julia", "--project={}".format(julia_env_dir), os.path.join(opf_dir, "optimization_evaluation.jl"), opf_dir, pm["name"], solution_dir, ] ) end = timer() run_time = end - start"julia terminated after {} s".format(run_time)) if julia_process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Julia subprocess failed.") solution_file = "{}_{}_{}_opf_sol.json".format( pm["name"], settings["scenario"], settings["relaxation"] ) # opf_results = OPFResults() edisgo_network.opf_results.set_solution( solution_name=os.path.join(solution_dir, solution_file), pypsa_net=pypsa_mv, ) if edisgo_network.opf_results.status != "Optimal": raise RuntimeError("Optimal solution not found.") return edisgo_network.opf_results.status