Source code for

import logging
import os
import sys

from datetime import datetime

from import config as cfg_edisgo

[docs]def setup_logger( file_name=None, log_dir=None, loggers=None, stream_output=sys.stdout, debug_message=False, reset_loggers=False, ): """ Setup different loggers with individual logging levels and where to write output. The following table from python 'Logging Howto' shows you when which logging level is used. .. tabularcolumns:: |l|L| +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Level | When it's used | +==============+=============================================+ | ``DEBUG`` | Detailed information, typically of interest | | | only when diagnosing problems. | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ``INFO`` | Confirmation that things are working as | | | expected. | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ``WARNING`` | An indication that something unexpected | | | happened, or indicative of some problem in | | | the near future (e.g. 'disk space low'). | | | The software is still working as expected. | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ``ERROR`` | Due to a more serious problem, the software | | | has not been able to perform some function. | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ``CRITICAL`` | A serious error, indicating that the program| | | itself may be unable to continue running. | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- file_name : str or None Specifies file name of file logging information is written to. Possible options are: * None (default) Saves log file with standard name `%Y_%m_%d-%H:%M:%S_edisgo.log`. * str Saves log file with the specified file name. log_dir : str or None Specifies directory log file is saved to. Possible options are: * None (default) Saves log file in current working directory. * "default" Saves log file into directory configured in the configs. * str Saves log file into the specified directory. loggers : None or list(dict) * None Configuration as shown in the example below is used. Configures root logger with file and stream level warning and the edisgo logger with file and stream level debug. * list(dict) List of dicts with the logger configuration. Each dictionary must contain the following keys and corresponding values: * 'name' Specifies name of the logger as string, e.g. 'root' or 'edisgo'. * 'file_level' Specifies file logging level. Possible options are: * "debug" Logs logging messages with logging level logging.DEBUG and above. * "info" Logs logging messages with logging level logging.INFO and above. * "warning" Logs logging messages with logging level logging.WARNING and above. * "error" Logs logging messages with logging level logging.ERROR and above. * "critical" Logs logging messages with logging level logging.CRITICAL. * None No logging messages are logged. * 'stream_level' Specifies stream logging level. Possible options are the same as for `file_level`. stream_output : stream Default sys.stdout is used. sys.stderr is also possible. debug_message : bool If True the handlers of every configured logger is printed. reset_loggers : bool If True the handlers of all loggers are cleared before configuring the loggers. Examples -------- >>> setup_logger( >>> loggers=[ >>> {"name": "root", "file_level": "warning", "stream_level": "warning"}, >>> {"name": "edisgo", "file_level": "info", "stream_level": "info"} >>> ] >>> ) """ def create_dir(dir_path): if not os.path.isdir(dir_path): os.mkdir(dir_path) def get_default_root_dir(): dir_path = str(cfg_edisgo.get("user_dirs", "root_dir")) return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), dir_path) def create_home_dir(): dir_path = get_default_root_dir() create_dir(dir_path) cfg_edisgo.load_config("config_system.cfg") if file_name is None: now = file_name = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d-%H:%M:%S_edisgo.log") if log_dir == "default": create_home_dir() log_dir = os.path.join( get_default_root_dir(), cfg_edisgo.get("user_dirs", "log_dir") ) create_dir(log_dir) if log_dir is not None: file_name = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) if reset_loggers: existing_loggers = [logging.getLogger()] # get the root logger existing_loggers = existing_loggers + [ logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict ] for logger in existing_loggers: logger.handlers.clear() loglevel_dict = { "debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warning": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "critical": logging.CRITICAL, None: logging.CRITICAL + 1, } file_formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s" ) stream_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") if loggers is None: loggers = [ {"name": "root", "file_level": "warning", "stream_level": "warning"}, {"name": "edisgo", "file_level": "info", "stream_level": "info"}, ] for logger_config in loggers: logger_name = logger_config["name"] logger_file_level = loglevel_dict[logger_config["file_level"]] logger_stream_level = loglevel_dict[logger_config["stream_level"]] if logger_name == "root": logger = logging.getLogger() else: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.propagate = False if logger_file_level < logger_stream_level: logger.setLevel(logger_file_level) else: logger.setLevel(logger_stream_level) if logger_file_level < logging.CRITICAL + 1: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(file_name) file_handler.setLevel(logger_file_level) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) if logger_stream_level < logging.CRITICAL + 1: console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stream_output) console_handler.setLevel(logger_stream_level) console_handler.setFormatter(stream_formatter) logger.addHandler(console_handler) if debug_message: print(f"Handlers of logger {logger_name}: {logger.handlers}")