Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib
import as cm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from dash import dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from jupyter_dash import JupyterDash
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from networkx import Graph
from pyproj import Transformer
from pypsa import Network as PyPSANetwork

from import session_scope, tools
from import make_pseudo_coordinates_graph

    from numbers import Number

    from plotly.basedatatypes import BaseFigure

    from edisgo import EDisGo
    from import Grid

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:

    import geopandas as gpd

    from egoio.db_tables.grid import EgoDpMvGriddistrict
    from egoio.db_tables.model_draft import EgoGridMvGriddistrict
    from geoalchemy2 import shape

    contextily = True
        import contextily as ctx
    except Exception:
        contextily = False

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def histogram(data, **kwargs): """ Function to create histogram, e.g. for voltages or currents. Parameters ---------- data : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Data to be plotted, e.g. voltage or current (`v_res` or `i_res` from :class:`network.results.Results`). Index of the dataframe must be a :pandas:`pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>`. timeindex : :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>` or \ list(:pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>`) or None, optional Specifies time steps histogram is plotted for. If timeindex is None all time steps provided in `data` are used. Default: None. directory : :obj:`str` or None, optional Path to directory the plot is saved to. Is created if it does not exist. Default: None. filename : :obj:`str` or None, optional Filename the plot is saved as. File format is specified by ending. If filename is None, the plot is shown. Default: None. color : :obj:`str` or None, optional Color used in plot. If None it defaults to blue. Default: None. alpha : :obj:`float`, optional Transparency of the plot. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is see through and 1 is opaque. Default: 1. title : :obj:`str` or None, optional Plot title. Default: None. x_label : :obj:`str`, optional Label for x-axis. Default: "". y_label : :obj:`str`, optional Label for y-axis. Default: "". normed : :obj:`bool`, optional Defines if histogram is normed. Default: False. x_limits : :obj:`tuple` or None, optional Tuple with x-axis limits. First entry is the minimum and second entry the maximum value. Default: None. y_limits : :obj:`tuple` or None, optional Tuple with y-axis limits. First entry is the minimum and second entry the maximum value. Default: None. fig_size : :obj:`str` or :obj:`tuple`, optional Size of the figure in inches or a string with the following options: * 'a4portrait' * 'a4landscape' * 'a5portrait' * 'a5landscape' Default: 'a5landscape'. binwidth : :obj:`float` Width of bins. Default: None. """ timeindex = kwargs.get("timeindex", None) if timeindex is None: timeindex = data.index # check if timesteps is array-like, otherwise convert to list if not hasattr(timeindex, "__len__"): timeindex = [timeindex] directory = kwargs.get("directory", None) filename = kwargs.get("filename", None) title = kwargs.get("title", "") x_label = kwargs.get("x_label", "") y_label = kwargs.get("y_label", "") color = kwargs.get("color", None) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 1) normed = kwargs.get("normed", False) x_limits = kwargs.get("x_limits", None) y_limits = kwargs.get("y_limits", None) binwidth = kwargs.get("binwidth", None) fig_size = kwargs.get("fig_size", "a5landscape") standard_sizes = { "a4portrait": (8.27, 11.69), "a4landscape": (11.69, 8.27), "a5portrait": (5.8, 8.3), "a5landscape": (8.3, 5.8), } try: fig_size = standard_sizes[fig_size] except Exception: fig_size = standard_sizes["a5landscape"] plot_data = data.loc[timeindex, :].T.stack() if binwidth is not None: if x_limits is not None: lowerlimit = x_limits[0] - binwidth / 2 upperlimit = x_limits[1] + binwidth / 2 else: lowerlimit = plot_data.min() - binwidth / 2 upperlimit = plot_data.max() + binwidth / 2 bins = np.arange(lowerlimit, upperlimit, binwidth) else: bins = 10 plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) ax = plot_data.hist(density=normed, color=color, alpha=alpha, bins=bins, grid=True) plt.minorticks_on() if x_limits is not None: ax.set_xlim(x_limits[0], x_limits[1]) if y_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(y_limits[0], y_limits[1]) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) if filename is None: else: if directory is not None: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) plt.savefig(filename) plt.close()
[docs]def add_basemap(ax, zoom=12): """ Adds map to a plot. """ url = ctx.providers.Stamen.TonerLite xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ax.axis() basemap, extent = ctx.bounds2img(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, zoom=zoom, source=url) ax.imshow(basemap, extent=extent, interpolation="bilinear") # restore original x/y limits ax.axis((xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))
[docs]def get_grid_district_polygon(config, subst_id=None, projection=4326): """ Get MV network district polygon from oedb for plotting. """ with session_scope() as session: # get polygon from versioned schema if config["data_source"]["oedb_data_source"] == "versioned": version = config["versioned"]["version"] query = session.query( EgoDpMvGriddistrict.subst_id, EgoDpMvGriddistrict.geom ) Regions = [ (subst_id, shape.to_shape(geom)) for subst_id, geom in query.filter( EgoDpMvGriddistrict.version == version, EgoDpMvGriddistrict.subst_id == subst_id, ).all() ] # get polygon from model_draft else: query = session.query( EgoGridMvGriddistrict.subst_id, EgoGridMvGriddistrict.geom ) Regions = [ (subst_id, shape.to_shape(geom)) for subst_id, geom in query.filter( EgoGridMvGriddistrict.subst_id.in_(subst_id) ).all() ] crs = {"init": "epsg:3035"} region = gpd.GeoDataFrame(Regions, columns=["subst_id", "geometry"], crs=crs) region = region.to_crs(epsg=projection) return region
[docs]def mv_grid_topology( edisgo_obj, timestep=None, line_color=None, node_color=None, line_load=None, grid_expansion_costs=None, filename=None, arrows=False, grid_district_geom=True, background_map=True, voltage=None, limits_cb_lines=None, limits_cb_nodes=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, lines_cmap="inferno_r", title="", scaling_factor_line_width=None, curtailment_df=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot line loading as color on lines. Displays line loading relative to nominal capacity. Parameters ---------- edisgo_obj : :class:`~edisgo.EDisGo` timestep : :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>` Time step to plot analysis results for. If `timestep` is None maximum line load and if given, maximum voltage deviation, is used. In that case arrows cannot be drawn. Default: None. line_color : :obj:`str` or None Defines whereby to choose line colors (and implicitly size). Possible options are: * 'loading' Line color is set according to loading of the line. Loading of MV lines must be provided by parameter `line_load`. * 'expansion_costs' Line color is set according to investment costs of the line. This option also effects node colors and sizes by plotting investment in stations and setting `node_color` to 'storage_integration' in order to plot storage size of integrated storage units. Grid expansion costs must be provided by parameter `grid_expansion_costs`. * None (default) Lines are plotted in black. Is also the fallback option in case of wrong input. node_color : :obj:`str` or None Defines whereby to choose node colors (and implicitly size). Possible options are: * 'technology' Node color as well as size is set according to type of node (generator, MV station, etc.). * 'voltage' Node color is set according to maximum voltage at each node. Voltages of nodes in MV network must be provided by parameter `voltage`. * 'voltage_deviation' Node color is set according to voltage deviation from 1 p.u.. Voltages of nodes in MV network must be provided by parameter `voltage`. * 'storage_integration' Only storage units are plotted. Size of node corresponds to size of storage. * None (default) Nodes are not plotted. Is also the fallback option in case of wrong input. * 'curtailment' Plots curtailment per node. Size of node corresponds to share of curtailed power for the given time span. When this option is chosen a dataframe with curtailed power per time step and node needs to be provided in parameter `curtailment_df`. * 'charging_park' Plots nodes with charging stations in red. line_load : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` or None Dataframe with current results from power flow analysis in A. Index of the dataframe is a :pandas:`pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>`, columns are the line representatives. Only needs to be provided when parameter `line_color` is set to 'loading'. Default: None. grid_expansion_costs : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` or None Dataframe with network expansion costs in kEUR. See `grid_expansion_costs` in :class:`` for more information. Only needs to be provided when parameter `line_color` is set to 'expansion_costs'. Default: None. filename : :obj:`str` Filename to save plot under. If not provided, figure is shown directly. Default: None. arrows : :obj:`Boolean` If True draws arrows on lines in the direction of the power flow. Does only work when `line_color` option 'loading' is used and a time step is given. Default: False. grid_district_geom : :obj:`Boolean` If True network district polygon is plotted in the background. This also requires the geopandas package to be installed. Default: True. background_map : :obj:`Boolean` If True map is drawn in the background. This also requires the contextily package to be installed. Default: True. voltage : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe with voltage results from power flow analysis in p.u.. Index of the dataframe is a :pandas:`pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>`, columns are the bus representatives. Only needs to be provided when parameter `node_color` is set to 'voltage'. Default: None. limits_cb_lines : :obj:`tuple` Tuple with limits for colorbar of line color. First entry is the minimum and second entry the maximum value. Only needs to be provided when parameter `line_color` is not None. Default: None. limits_cb_nodes : :obj:`tuple` Tuple with limits for colorbar of nodes. First entry is the minimum and second entry the maximum value. Only needs to be provided when parameter `node_color` is not None. Default: None. xlim : :obj:`tuple` Limits of x-axis. Default: None. ylim : :obj:`tuple` Limits of y-axis. Default: None. lines_cmap : :obj:`str` Colormap to use for lines in case `line_color` is 'loading' or 'expansion_costs'. Default: 'inferno_r'. title : :obj:`str` Title of the plot. Default: ''. scaling_factor_line_width : :obj:`float` or None If provided line width is set according to the nominal apparent power of the lines. If line width is None a default line width of 2 is used for each line. Default: None. curtailment_df : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe with curtailed power per time step and node. Columns of the dataframe correspond to buses and index to the time step. Only needs to be provided if `node_color` is set to 'curtailment'. legend_loc : str Location of legend. See matplotlib legend location options for more information. Default: 'upper left'. """ def get_color_and_size(connected_components, colors_dict, sizes_dict): # Todo: handling of multiple connected elements, so far determined as # 'other' if not connected_components["transformers_hvmv"].empty: return colors_dict["MVStation"], sizes_dict["MVStation"] elif not connected_components["transformers"].empty: return colors_dict["LVStation"], sizes_dict["LVStation"] elif ( not connected_components["generators"].empty and connected_components["loads"].empty and connected_components["storage_units"].empty ): if (connected_components["generators"].type.isin(["wind", "solar"])).all(): return ( colors_dict["GeneratorFluctuating"], sizes_dict["GeneratorFluctuating"], ) else: return colors_dict["Generator"], sizes_dict["Generator"] elif ( not connected_components["loads"].empty and connected_components["generators"].empty and connected_components["storage_units"].empty ): return colors_dict["Load"], sizes_dict["Load"] elif not connected_components["switches"].empty: return ( colors_dict["DisconnectingPoint"], sizes_dict["DisconnectingPoint"], ) elif ( not connected_components["storage_units"].empty and connected_components["loads"].empty and connected_components["generators"].empty ): return colors_dict["Storage"], sizes_dict["Storage"] elif len(connected_components["lines"]) > 1: return colors_dict["BranchTee"], sizes_dict["BranchTee"] else: return colors_dict["else"], sizes_dict["else"] def nodes_by_technology(buses, edisgo_obj): bus_sizes = {} bus_colors = {} colors_dict = { "BranchTee": "b", "GeneratorFluctuating": "g", "Generator": "k", "Load": "m", "LVStation": "c", "MVStation": "r", "Storage": "y", "DisconnectingPoint": "0.75", "else": "orange", } sizes_dict = { "BranchTee": 10000, "GeneratorFluctuating": 100000, "Generator": 100000, "Load": 100000, "LVStation": 50000, "MVStation": 120000, "Storage": 100000, "DisconnectingPoint": 75000, "else": 200000, } for bus in buses: connected_components = ( edisgo_obj.topology.get_connected_components_from_bus(bus) ) bus_colors[bus], bus_sizes[bus] = get_color_and_size( connected_components, colors_dict, sizes_dict ) return bus_sizes, bus_colors def nodes_charging_park(buses, edisgo_obj): bus_sizes = {} bus_colors = {} positions = [] colors_dict = {"ChargingPark": "r", "else": "black"} sizes_dict = {"ChargingPark": 100000, "else": 10000} for bus in edisgo_obj.topology.loads_df.index: if "charging_park" in bus: position = str(bus).rsplit("_")[-1] positions.append(position) for bus in buses: bus_colors[bus] = colors_dict["else"] bus_sizes[bus] = sizes_dict["else"] for position in positions: if position in bus: bus_colors[bus] = colors_dict["ChargingPark"] bus_sizes[bus] = sizes_dict["ChargingPark"] return bus_sizes, bus_colors def nodes_by_voltage(buses, voltages): # ToDo: Right now maximum voltage is used. Check if this should be # changed bus_colors_dict = {} bus_sizes_dict = {} if timestep is not None: bus_colors_dict.update({bus: voltages.loc[timestep, bus] for bus in buses}) else: bus_colors_dict.update({bus: max(voltages.loc[:, bus]) for bus in buses}) bus_sizes_dict.update({bus: 100000 ^ 2 for bus in buses}) return bus_sizes_dict, bus_colors_dict def nodes_by_voltage_deviation(buses, voltages): bus_colors_dict = {} bus_sizes_dict = {} if timestep is not None: bus_colors_dict.update( {bus: 100 * abs(1 - voltages.loc[timestep, bus]) for bus in buses} ) else: bus_colors_dict.update( {bus: 100 * max(abs(1 - voltages.loc[:, bus])) for bus in buses} ) bus_sizes_dict.update({bus: 100000 ^ 2 for bus in buses}) return bus_sizes_dict, bus_colors_dict def nodes_storage_integration(buses, edisgo_obj): bus_sizes = {} buses_with_storages = buses[ buses.isin(edisgo_obj.topology.storage_units_df.bus.values) ] buses_without_storages = buses[~buses.isin(buses_with_storages)] bus_sizes.update({bus: 0 for bus in buses_without_storages}) # size nodes such that 300 kW storage equals size 100 bus_sizes.update( { bus: edisgo_obj.topology.get_connected_components_from_bus(bus)[ "storage_units" ].p_nom.values.sum() * 1000 / 3 for bus in buses_with_storages } ) return bus_sizes def nodes_curtailment(buses, curtailment_df): bus_sizes = {} buses_with_curtailment = buses[buses.isin(curtailment_df.columns)] buses_without_curtailment = buses[~buses.isin(buses_with_curtailment)] bus_sizes.update({bus: 0 for bus in buses_without_curtailment}) curtailment_total = curtailment_df.sum().sum() # size nodes such that 100% curtailment share equals size 1000 bus_sizes.update( { bus: curtailment_df.loc[:, bus].sum() / curtailment_total * 2000 for bus in buses_with_curtailment } ) return bus_sizes def nodes_by_costs(buses, grid_expansion_costs, edisgo_obj): # sum costs for each station costs_lv_stations = grid_expansion_costs[ grid_expansion_costs.index.isin(edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_df.index) ] costs_lv_stations["station"] = edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_df.loc[ costs_lv_stations.index, "bus0" ].values costs_lv_stations = costs_lv_stations.groupby("station").sum() costs_mv_station = grid_expansion_costs[ grid_expansion_costs.index.isin( edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_hvmv_df.index ) ] costs_mv_station["station"] = edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_hvmv_df.loc[ costs_mv_station.index, "bus1" ] costs_mv_station = costs_mv_station.groupby("station").sum() bus_sizes = {} bus_colors = {} for bus in buses: # LVStation handeling if bus in edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_df.bus0.values: try: bus_colors[bus] = costs_lv_stations.loc[bus, "total_costs"] bus_sizes[bus] = 100.0 except Exception: bus_colors[bus] = 0.0 bus_sizes[bus] = 0.0 # MVStation handeling elif bus in edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_hvmv_df.bus1.values: try: bus_colors[bus] = costs_mv_station.loc[bus, "total_costs"] bus_sizes[bus] = 100.0 except Exception: bus_colors[bus] = 0.0 bus_sizes[bus] = 0.0 else: bus_colors[bus] = 0.0 bus_sizes[bus] = 0.0 return bus_sizes, bus_colors # set font and font size font = {"family": "serif", "size": 15} matplotlib.rc("font", **font) # create pypsa network only containing MV buses and lines pypsa_plot = PyPSANetwork() pypsa_plot.buses = edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.loc[ edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.v_nom > 1 ].loc[:, ["x", "y"]] # filter buses of aggregated loads and generators pypsa_plot.buses = pypsa_plot.buses[~pypsa_plot.buses.index.str.contains("agg")] pypsa_plot.lines = edisgo_obj.topology.lines_df[ edisgo_obj.topology.lines_df.bus0.isin(pypsa_plot.buses.index) ][edisgo_obj.topology.lines_df.bus1.isin(pypsa_plot.buses.index)].loc[ :, ["bus0", "bus1"] ] # line colors if line_color == "loading": line_colors = tools.calculate_relative_line_load( edisgo_obj, pypsa_plot.lines.index, timestep ).max() elif line_color == "expansion_costs": node_color = "expansion_costs" line_costs = pypsa_plot.lines.join( grid_expansion_costs, rsuffix="costs", how="left" ) line_colors = line_costs.total_costs.fillna(0) else: line_colors = pd.Series("black", index=pypsa_plot.lines.index) # bus colors and sizes if node_color == "technology": bus_sizes, bus_colors = nodes_by_technology(pypsa_plot.buses.index, edisgo_obj) bus_cmap = None elif node_color == "voltage": bus_sizes, bus_colors = nodes_by_voltage(pypsa_plot.buses.index, voltage) bus_cmap = elif node_color == "voltage_deviation": bus_sizes, bus_colors = nodes_by_voltage_deviation( pypsa_plot.buses.index, voltage ) bus_cmap = elif node_color == "storage_integration": bus_sizes = nodes_storage_integration(pypsa_plot.buses.index, edisgo_obj) bus_colors = "orangered" bus_cmap = None elif node_color == "expansion_costs": bus_sizes, bus_colors = nodes_by_costs( pypsa_plot.buses.index, grid_expansion_costs, edisgo_obj ) bus_cmap = elif node_color == "curtailment": bus_sizes = nodes_curtailment(pypsa_plot.buses.index, curtailment_df) bus_colors = "orangered" bus_cmap = None elif node_color == "charging_park": bus_sizes, bus_colors = nodes_charging_park(pypsa_plot.buses.index, edisgo_obj) bus_cmap = None elif node_color is None: bus_sizes = 0 bus_colors = "r" bus_cmap = None else: if kwargs.get("bus_colors", None): bus_colors = pd.Series(kwargs.get("bus_colors")).loc[pypsa_plot.buses] else: logging.warning( "Choice for `node_color` is not valid. Default bus colors are " "used instead." ) bus_colors = "r" if kwargs.get("bus_sizes", None): bus_sizes = pd.Series(kwargs.get("bus_sizes")).loc[pypsa_plot.buses] else: logging.warning( "Choice for `node_color` is not valid. Default bus sizes are " "used instead." ) bus_sizes = 0 if kwargs.get("bus_cmap", None): bus_cmap = kwargs.get("bus_cmap", None) else: logging.warning( "Choice for `node_color` is not valid. Default bus colormap " "is used instead." ) bus_cmap = None # convert bus coordinates to Mercator if contextily and background_map: transformer = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", "epsg:3857", always_xy=True) x2, y2 = transformer.transform( list(pypsa_plot.buses.loc[:, "x"]), list(pypsa_plot.buses.loc[:, "y"]), ) pypsa_plot.buses.loc[:, "x"] = x2 pypsa_plot.buses.loc[:, "y"] = y2 # plot plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = plt.gca() # plot network district if grid_district_geom: try: projection = 3857 if contextily and background_map else 4326 crs = { "init": "epsg:{}".format(int(edisgo_obj.topology.grid_district["srid"])) } region = gpd.GeoDataFrame( {"geometry": [edisgo_obj.topology.grid_district["geom"]]}, crs=crs, ) if projection != int(edisgo_obj.topology.grid_district["srid"]): region = region.to_crs(epsg=projection) region.plot(ax=ax, color="white", alpha=0.2, edgecolor="red", linewidth=2) except Exception as e: logging.warning( "Grid district geometry could not be plotted due " "to the following error: {}".format(e) ) # if scaling factor is given s_nom is plotted as line width if scaling_factor_line_width is not None: line_width = pypsa_plot.lines.s_nom * scaling_factor_line_width else: line_width = 2 cmap = ll = pypsa_plot.plot( line_colors=line_colors, line_cmap=cmap, ax=ax, title=title, line_widths=line_width, branch_components=["Line"], geomap=False, bus_sizes=bus_sizes, bus_colors=bus_colors, bus_cmap=bus_cmap, ) # color bar line loading if line_color == "loading": if limits_cb_lines is None: limits_cb_lines = (min(line_colors), max(line_colors)) v = np.linspace(limits_cb_lines[0], limits_cb_lines[1], 101) cb = plt.colorbar(ll[1], boundaries=v, ticks=v[0:101:10]) cb.norm.vmin = limits_cb_lines[0] cb.norm.vmax = limits_cb_lines[1] cb.set_label("Line loading in p.u.") # color bar network expansion costs elif line_color == "expansion_costs": if limits_cb_lines is None: limits_cb_lines = ( min(min(line_colors), min(bus_colors.values())), max(max(line_colors), max(bus_colors.values())), ) v = np.linspace(limits_cb_lines[0], limits_cb_lines[1], 101) cb = plt.colorbar(ll[1], boundaries=v, ticks=v[0:101:10]) cb.norm.vmin = limits_cb_lines[0] cb.norm.vmax = limits_cb_lines[1] cb.set_label("Grid expansion costs in kEUR") # color bar voltage if node_color == "voltage" or node_color == "voltage_deviation": if limits_cb_nodes is None: limits_cb_nodes = ( min(bus_colors.values()), max(bus_colors.values()), ) v_voltage = np.linspace(limits_cb_nodes[0], limits_cb_nodes[1], 101) # for some reason, the cmap given to pypsa plot is overwritten and # needs to be set again ll[0].set(cmap="Blues") cb_voltage = plt.colorbar( ll[0], boundaries=v_voltage, ticks=v_voltage[0:101:10] ) cb_voltage.norm.vmin = limits_cb_nodes[0] cb_voltage.norm.vmax = limits_cb_nodes[1] if node_color == "voltage": cb_voltage.set_label("Maximum voltage in p.u.") else: cb_voltage.set_label("Voltage deviation in %") # storage_units if node_color == "expansion_costs": if not edisgo_obj.topology.storage_units_df.empty: ax.scatter( pypsa_plot.buses.loc[ edisgo_obj.topology.storage_units_df.loc[:, "bus"], "x" ], pypsa_plot.buses.loc[ edisgo_obj.topology.storage_units_df.loc[:, "bus"], "y" ], c="orangered", s=edisgo_obj.topology.storage_units_df.loc[:, "p_nom"] * 1000 / 3, ) # add legend for storage size and line capacity if ( node_color == "storage_integration" or node_color == "expansion_costs" ) and edisgo_obj.topology.storage_units_df.loc[:, "p_nom"].any() > 0: scatter_handle = plt.scatter( [], [], c="orangered", s=100, label="= 300 kW battery storage" ) elif node_color == "curtailment": scatter_handle = plt.scatter( [], [], c="orangered", s=200, label="$\\equiv$ 10% share of curtailment", ) else: scatter_handle = None if scaling_factor_line_width is not None: line_handle = plt.plot( [], [], c="black", linewidth=scaling_factor_line_width * 10, label="= 10 MVA", ) else: line_handle = None legend_loc = kwargs.get("legend_loc", "upper left") if scatter_handle and line_handle: plt.legend( handles=[scatter_handle, line_handle[0]], labelspacing=1, title="Storage size and line capacity", borderpad=0.5, loc=legend_loc, framealpha=0.5, fontsize="medium", ) elif scatter_handle: plt.legend( handles=[scatter_handle], labelspacing=0, title=None, borderpad=0.3, loc=legend_loc, framealpha=0.5, fontsize="medium", ) elif line_handle: plt.legend( handles=[line_handle[0]], labelspacing=1, title="Line capacity", borderpad=0.5, loc=legend_loc, framealpha=0.5, fontsize="medium", ) # axes limits if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) # hide axes labels ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # draw arrows on lines if arrows and timestep and line_color == "loading": path = ll[1].get_segments() # colors = cmap(ll[1].get_array() / 100) for i in range(len(path)): if edisgo_obj.lines_t.p0.loc[timestep, line_colors.index[i]] > 0: arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle="->", color="b") # colors[i]) else: arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle="<-", color="b") # colors[i]) ax.annotate( "", xy=abs((path[i][0] - path[i][1]) * 0.51 - path[i][0]), xytext=abs((path[i][0] - path[i][1]) * 0.49 - path[i][0]), arrowprops=arrowprops, size=10, ) # plot map data in background if contextily and background_map: try: add_basemap(ax, zoom=12) except Exception as e: logging.warning( "Background map could not be plotted due to the " "following error: {}".format(e) ) if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
[docs]def color_map_color( value: Number, vmin: Number, vmax: Number, cmap_name: str | list = "coolwarm", ) -> str: """ Get matching color for a value on a matplotlib color map. Parameters ---------- value : float or int Value to get color for vmin : float or int Minimum value on color map vmax : float or int Maximum value on color map cmap_name : str or list Name of color map to use, or the colormap Returns ------- str Color name in hex format """ norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if isinstance(cmap_name, str): cmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap_name) else: cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("mycmap", cmap_name) rgb = cmap(norm(abs(value)))[:3] color = matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(rgb) return color
[docs]def plot_plotly( edisgo_obj: EDisGo, grid: Grid | None = None, line_color: None | str = "relative_loading", node_color: None | str = "voltage_deviation", line_result_selection: str = "max", node_result_selection: str = "max", selected_timesteps: pd.Timestamp | list | None = None, center_coordinates: bool = False, pseudo_coordinates: bool = False, node_selection: list | bool = False, ) -> BaseFigure: """ Draws a plotly html figure. Parameters ---------- edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo` Selected edisgo_obj to get plotting information from. grid : :class:`` Grid to plot. If None, the MVGrid of the edisgo_obj is plotted. Default: None. line_color : str or None Defines whereby to choose line colors. Possible options are: * 'loading' Line color is set according to loading of the line. * 'relative_loading' (default) Line color is set according to relative loading of the line. * 'reinforce' Line color is set according to investment costs of the line. * None Line color is black. This is also the fallback, in case other options fail. node_color : str or None Defines whereby to choose node colors. Possible options are: * 'adjacencies' Node color as well as size is set according to the number of direct neighbors. * 'voltage_deviation' (default) Node color is set according to voltage deviation from 1 p.u.. * None Line color is black. This is also the fallback, in case other options fail. line_result_selection : str Defines which values are shown for the load of the lines: * 'min' Minimal line load of all time steps. * 'max' (default) Maximal line load of all time steps. node_result_selection : str Defines which values are shown for the voltage of the nodes: * 'min' Minimal node voltage of all time steps. * 'max' (default) Maximal node voltage of all time steps. selected_timesteps : :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>` or \ list(:pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>`) or None Selected time steps to show results for. * None (default) All time steps are used. * list(:pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>`) or \ :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>` Selected time steps are used. center_coordinates : bool Enables the centering of the coordinates. If True the transformer node is set to the coordinates x=0 and y=0. Else, the coordinates from the HV/MV-station of the MV grid are used. Default: False. pseudo_coordinates : bool Enable pseudo coordinates for the plotted grid. Default: False. node_selection : bool or list(str) Only plot selected nodes. Default: False. Returns ------- :plotly:`plotly.graph_objects.Figure` Plotly figure with branches and nodes. """ if grid is None: grid = edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid G = grid.graph logger.debug(f"selected_timesteps={selected_timesteps}") if isinstance(selected_timesteps, pd.Timestamp) or isinstance( selected_timesteps, str ): selected_timesteps = [selected_timesteps] if selected_timesteps is None: selected_timesteps = edisgo_obj.results.s_res.index if edisgo_obj.results.s_res.empty: power_flow_results = False warning_message = "No power flow results. -> Run power flow." elif len(selected_timesteps) == 0: power_flow_results = False warning_message = "No time steps selected." else: power_flow_results = True warning_message = False try: edisgo_obj.results.s_res.loc[selected_timesteps, :] except KeyError: power_flow_results = False warning_message = "Time steps are not in the results." # check for existing reinforcement results if edisgo_obj.results.equipment_changes.empty: reinforcement_results = False else: reinforcement_results = True # check line_color input line_color_options = ["loading", "relative_loading", "reinforce"] if line_color not in line_color_options: logger.warning(f"Line colors need to be one of {line_color_options}.") line_color = None elif (line_color in ["loading", "relative_loading"]) and (not power_flow_results): logger.warning("No power flow results to show. -> Run power flow.") line_color = None elif (line_color in ["reinforce"]) and (not reinforcement_results): logger.warning("No reinforcement results to show. -> Run reinforcement.") line_color = None # check node_color input node_color_options = ["voltage_deviation", "adjacencies"] if node_color not in node_color_options: logger.warning(f"Line colors need to be one of {node_color_options}.") node_color = None elif (node_color in ["voltage_deviation"]) and (not power_flow_results): logger.warning("No power flow results to show. -> Run power flow.") node_color = None if center_coordinates: # Center transformer coordinates on (0,0). if hasattr(grid, "transformers_df"): node_root = grid.transformers_df.bus1.iat[0] x_root, y_root = G.nodes[node_root]["pos"] else: node_root = edisgo_obj.topology.transformers_hvmv_df.bus1.iat[0] x_root, y_root = G.nodes[node_root]["pos"] else: x_root = 0 y_root = 0 if pseudo_coordinates: G = make_pseudo_coordinates_graph( G, edisgo_obj.config["grid_connection"]["branch_detour_factor"] ) if node_selection: G = G.subgraph(node_selection) if not list(G.nodes()): raise ValueError("Selected nodes are not in the selected grid.") # Select values for displaying results. if power_flow_results: s_res_view = edisgo_obj.results.s_res.columns.isin( [edge[2]["branch_name"] for edge in] ) v_res_view = edisgo_obj.results.v_res.columns.isin([node for node in G.nodes]) s_res = edisgo_obj.results.s_res.loc[selected_timesteps, s_res_view] v_res = edisgo_obj.results.v_res.loc[selected_timesteps, v_res_view] result_selection_options = ["min", "max"] if line_result_selection == "min": s_res = s_res.min() elif line_result_selection == "max": s_res = s_res.max() else: raise ValueError( f"line_result_selection needs to be one of {result_selection_options}" ) if node_result_selection == "min": v_res = v_res.min() elif node_result_selection == "max": v_res = v_res.max() else: raise ValueError( f"node_result_selection needs to be one of {result_selection_options}" ) # initialization coordinate transformation transformer_4326_to_3035 = Transformer.from_crs( "EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3035", always_xy=True, ) def get_coordinates_for_edge(edge): x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]["pos"] x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]["pos"] x0, y0 = transformer_4326_to_3035.transform(x0, y0) x1, y1 = transformer_4326_to_3035.transform(x1, y1) return x0, y0, x1, y1 x_root, y_root = transformer_4326_to_3035.transform(x_root, y_root) def plot_line_text(): middle_node_x = [] middle_node_y = [] middle_node_text = [] for edge in G.edges(data=True): x0, y0, x1, y1 = get_coordinates_for_edge(edge) middle_node_x.append((x0 - x_root + x1 - x_root) / 2) middle_node_y.append((y0 - y_root + y1 - y_root) / 2) branch_name = edge[2]["branch_name"] text = str(branch_name) if power_flow_results: text += "<br>" + "Loading = " + str(s_res.loc[branch_name]) line_parameters = edisgo_obj.topology.lines_df.loc[branch_name, :] for index, value in line_parameters.iteritems(): text += "<br>" + str(index) + " = " + str(value) middle_node_text.append(text) middle_node_scatter = go.Scatter( x=middle_node_x, y=middle_node_y, text=middle_node_text, mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", marker=dict( opacity=0.0, size=10, color="white", ), showlegend=False, ) return [middle_node_scatter] def plot_lines(): showscale = True if line_color == "loading": color_min = s_res.min() color_max = s_res.max() colorscale = "YlOrRd" elif line_color == "relative_loading": color_min = 0 color_max = 1 colorscale = [ [0, "yellow"], [0.45, "orange"], [0.9, "crimson"], [0.9, "indigo"], [1, "indigo"], ] elif line_color == "reinforce": color_min = 0 color_max = 1 colorscale = [[0, "green"], [0.5, "green"], [0.5, "red"], [1, "red"]] else: showscale = False data_line_plot = [] for edge in G.edges(data=True): x0, y0, x1, y1 = get_coordinates_for_edge(edge) edge_x = [x0 - x_root, x1 - x_root, None] edge_y = [y0 - y_root, y1 - y_root, None] branch_name = edge[2]["branch_name"] if line_color == "reinforce": # Possible distinction between added parallel # lines and changed lines if ( edisgo_obj.results.equipment_changes.index[ edisgo_obj.results.equipment_changes["change"] == "added" ] .isin([branch_name]) .any() ): color = "green" # Changed lines elif ( edisgo_obj.results.equipment_changes.index[ edisgo_obj.results.equipment_changes["change"] == "changed" ] .isin([branch_name]) .any() ): color = "red" else: color = "black" elif line_color == "loading": loading = s_res.loc[branch_name] color = color_map_color( loading, vmin=color_min, vmax=color_max, cmap_name=colorscale, ) elif line_color == "relative_loading": loading = s_res.loc[branch_name] s_nom = edisgo_obj.topology.lines_df.s_nom.loc[branch_name] color = color_map_color( loading / s_nom * 0.9, vmin=color_min, vmax=color_max, cmap_name=colorscale, ) if loading > s_nom: color = "indigo" else: color = "grey" edge_scatter = go.Scatter( mode="lines", x=edge_x, y=edge_y, hoverinfo="none", opacity=0.8, showlegend=False, line=dict( width=2, color=color, ), ) data_line_plot.append(edge_scatter) if line_color: line_color_title = { "loading": "Loading in MVA", "relative_loading": "Relative loading in p.u.", "reinforce": "Reinforce", } colorbar_edge_scatter = go.Scatter( mode="markers", x=[None], y=[None], marker=dict( colorbar=dict( title=line_color_title[line_color], xanchor="left", titleside="right", x=1.19, thickness=15, ), colorscale=colorscale, cmax=color_max, cmin=color_min, showscale=showscale, ), ) if line_color == "reinforce": colorbar_edge_scatter.marker.colorbar.tickmode = "array" colorbar_edge_scatter.marker.colorbar.ticktext = ["added", "changed"] colorbar_edge_scatter.marker.colorbar.tickvals = [0.25, 0.75] elif line_color == "relative_loading": colorbar_edge_scatter.marker.colorbar.tickmode = "array" colorbar_edge_scatter.marker.colorbar.ticktext = [ 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, "Overloaded", ] colorbar_edge_scatter.marker.colorbar.tickvals = [ 0, 0.2 * 0.9, 0.4 * 0.9, 0.6 * 0.9, 0.8 * 0.9, 1 * 0.9, 0.95, ] data_line_plot.append(colorbar_edge_scatter) return data_line_plot def plot_buses(): node_x = [] node_y = [] for node in G.nodes(): x, y = G.nodes[node]["pos"] x, y = transformer_4326_to_3035.transform(x, y) node_x.append(x - x_root) node_y.append(y - y_root) if node_color == "voltage_deviation": node_colors = [] for node in G.nodes(): color = v_res.loc[node] - 1 node_colors.append(color) colorbar = dict( thickness=15, title="Node voltage deviation in p.u.", xanchor="left", titleside="right", ) colorscale = "RdBu" cmid = 0 showscale = True elif node_color == "adjacencies": node_colors = [len(adjacencies[1]) for adjacencies in G.adjacency()] colorscale = "YlGnBu" cmid = None colorbar = dict( thickness=15, title="Node connections", xanchor="left", titleside="right", ) showscale = True else: node_colors = "grey" cmid = None colorscale = None colorbar = None showscale = False node_text = [] for node in G.nodes(): text = str(node) if power_flow_results: peak_load = edisgo_obj.topology.loads_df.loc[ edisgo_obj.topology.loads_df.bus == node ].p_set.sum() text += "<br>" + "peak_load = " + str(peak_load) p_nom = edisgo_obj.topology.generators_df.loc[ edisgo_obj.topology.generators_df.bus == node ].p_nom.sum() text += "<br>" + "p_nom_gen = " + str(p_nom) v = v_res.loc[node] text += "<br>" + "v = " + str(v) text = text + "<br>" + "Neighbors = " + str( node_parameters = edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.loc[node] for index, value in node_parameters.iteritems(): text += "<br>" + str(index) + " = " + str(value) node_text.append(text) node_scatter = go.Scatter( x=node_x, y=node_y, mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", text=node_text, marker=dict( showscale=showscale, colorscale=colorscale, color=node_colors, size=8, cmid=cmid, line_width=2, colorbar=colorbar, ), ) return [node_scatter] fig = go.Figure( data=plot_line_text() + plot_lines() + plot_buses(), layout=go.Layout( height=500, showlegend=False, hovermode="closest", margin=dict(b=20, l=5, r=5, t=40), xaxis=dict( showgrid=True, zeroline=True, showticklabels=True, ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=True, zeroline=True, showticklabels=True, scaleanchor="x", scaleratio=1, ), ), ) if warning_message: fig.add_annotation( x=0, y=1, xref="paper", yref="paper", xanchor="left", text=warning_message, showarrow=False, font=dict(size=16, color="#ffffff"), bgcolor="red", opacity=0.75, ) return fig
[docs]def chosen_graph( edisgo_obj: EDisGo, selected_grid: str, ) -> tuple[Graph, bool | Grid]: """ Get the matching networkx graph from a chosen grid. Parameters ---------- edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo` selected_grid : str Grid name. Can be either 'Grid' to select the MV grid with all LV grids or the name of the MV grid to select only the MV grid or the name of one of the LV grids of the eDisGo object to select a specific LV grid. Returns ------- (:networkx:`networkx.Graph<network.Graph>`, :class:`` or bool) Tuple with the first entry being the networkx graph of the selected grid and the second entry the grid to use as root node. See :py:func:`` for more information. """ mv_grid = edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid if selected_grid == "Grid": G = edisgo_obj.to_graph() grid = True elif selected_grid == str(mv_grid): G = mv_grid.graph grid = mv_grid elif selected_grid.split("_")[0] == "LVGrid": try: lv_grid = edisgo_obj.topology.get_lv_grid(selected_grid) except ValueError: logger.exception(f"Selected grid {selected_grid} is not a valid LV grid.") G = lv_grid.graph grid = lv_grid else: raise ValueError(f"False Grid. '{selected_grid}' is not a valid input.") return G, grid
[docs]def plot_dash_app( edisgo_objects: EDisGo | dict[str, EDisGo], debug: bool = False ) -> JupyterDash: """ Generates a jupyter dash app from given eDisGo object(s). Parameters ---------- edisgo_objects : :class:`~.EDisGo` or dict[str, :class:`~.EDisGo`] eDisGo objects to show in plotly dash app. In the case of multiple edisgo objects pass a dictionary with the eDisGo objects as values and the respective eDisGo object names as keys. debug : bool Debugging for the dash app: * False (default) Disable debugging for the dash app. * True Enable debugging for the dash app. Returns ------- JupyterDash Jupyter dash app. """ if isinstance(edisgo_objects, dict): edisgo_name_list = list(edisgo_objects.keys()) edisgo_obj_1 = list(edisgo_objects.values())[0] edisgo_obj_1_mv_grid_name = str(edisgo_obj_1.topology.mv_grid) for edisgo_obj in edisgo_objects.values(): if edisgo_obj_1_mv_grid_name != str(edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid): raise ValueError("edisgo_objects are not matching.") else: edisgo_name_list = ["edisgo_obj"] edisgo_obj_1 = edisgo_objects mv_grid = edisgo_obj_1.topology.mv_grid lv_grid_name_list = list(map(str, mv_grid.lv_grids)) grid_name_list = ["Grid", str(mv_grid)] + lv_grid_name_list line_plot_modes = ["relative_loading", "loading", "reinforce"] node_plot_modes = ["voltage_deviation", "adjacencies"] if edisgo_obj_1.results.v_res.empty: timestep_values = ["No results"] timestep_labels = ["No results"] elif edisgo_obj_1.timeseries.is_worst_case: timestep_values = edisgo_obj_1.results.v_res.index.to_list() worst_case_series = edisgo_obj_1.timeseries.timeindex_worst_cases timestep_labels = [ worst_case_series.index[worst_case_series.to_list().index(value)] for value in timestep_values ] else: timestep_labels = edisgo_obj_1.results.v_res.index.to_list() timestep_values = edisgo_obj_1.results.v_res.index.to_list() logger.debug(f"timestep_labels={timestep_labels}") logger.debug(f"timestep_values={timestep_values}") timestep_option = [ {"label": timestep_labels[i], "value": str(timestep_values[i])} for i in range(0, len(timestep_values)) ] logger.debug(f"timestep_option={timestep_option}") padding = 1 app = JupyterDash(__name__) # Workaround to use standard python logging with plotly dash logger.handlers.pop() if debug: app.logger.disabled = False app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if isinstance(edisgo_objects, dict) and len(edisgo_objects) > 1: app.layout = html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Edisgo objects"), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_edisgo_object_1", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in edisgo_name_list ], value=edisgo_name_list[0], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_edisgo_object_2", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in edisgo_name_list ], value=edisgo_name_list[1], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Grid"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_grid", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in grid_name_list ], value=grid_name_list[1], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Line plot mode"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_line_plot_mode", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in line_plot_modes ], value=line_plot_modes[0], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Line result selection"), dcc.Dropdown( id="line_result_selection", options=[ {"label": "Min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "Max", "value": "max"}, ], value="max", ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Pseudo coordinates"), dcc.RadioItems( id="radioitems_pseudo_coordinates", options=[ {"label": "False", "value": False}, {"label": "True", "value": True}, ], value=False, ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Node plot mode"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_node_plot_mode", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in node_plot_modes ], value=node_plot_modes[0], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Node result selection"), dcc.Dropdown( id="node_result_selection", options=[ {"label": "Min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "Max", "value": "max"}, ], value="max", ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label( f"Time step mode - " f"Time steps of {edisgo_name_list[0]}" ), dcc.RadioItems( ["Single", "Range", "All"], "All", inline=True, id="timestep_mode_radio", ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Time step start"), dcc.Dropdown( id="timestep_dropdown_start", options=timestep_option, value=timestep_option[0]["value"], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Time step end"), dcc.Dropdown( id="timestep_dropdown_end", options=timestep_option, value=timestep_option[-1]["value"], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div([dcc.Graph(id="fig_1")], style={"flex": "auto"}), html.Div([dcc.Graph(id="fig_2")], style={"flex": "auto"}), ], style={"display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row"}, ), ], style={"display": "flex", "flex-direction": "column"}, ) @app.callback( Output("timestep_dropdown_start", "disabled"), Output("timestep_dropdown_end", "disabled"), Input("timestep_mode_radio", "value"), ) def update_timestep_components_double(timestep_mode_radio): if timestep_mode_radio == "Single": timestep_dropdown_start = False timestep_dropdown_end = True elif timestep_mode_radio == "Range": timestep_dropdown_start = False timestep_dropdown_end = False elif timestep_mode_radio == "All": timestep_dropdown_start = True timestep_dropdown_end = True return (timestep_dropdown_start, timestep_dropdown_end) @app.callback( Output("fig_1", "figure"), Output("fig_2", "figure"), Input("dropdown_edisgo_object_1", "value"), Input("dropdown_edisgo_object_2", "value"), Input("dropdown_grid", "value"), Input("dropdown_line_plot_mode", "value"), Input("dropdown_node_plot_mode", "value"), Input("radioitems_pseudo_coordinates", "value"), Input("line_result_selection", "value"), Input("node_result_selection", "value"), Input("timestep_mode_radio", "value"), Input("timestep_dropdown_start", "value"), Input("timestep_dropdown_end", "value"), log=True, ) def update_figure_double( selected_edisgo_object_1, selected_edisgo_object_2, selected_grid, selected_line_plot_mode, selected_node_plot_mode, pseudo_coordinates, line_result_selection, node_result_selection, timestep_mode, timestep_dropdown_start, timestep_dropdown_end, ): edisgo_obj = edisgo_objects[selected_edisgo_object_1] (G, grid) = chosen_graph(edisgo_obj, selected_grid) if timestep_mode == "Single": selected_timesteps = timestep_dropdown_start elif timestep_mode == "Range": app.logger.debug( f"timestep_dropdown_start={timestep_dropdown_start}, " f"timestep_dropdown_end={timestep_dropdown_end}" ) if timestep_dropdown_start == timestep_dropdown_end: selected_timesteps = timestep_dropdown_start else: selected_timesteps = edisgo_obj.results.v_res.loc[ timestep_dropdown_start:timestep_dropdown_end, : ].index.to_list() if selected_timesteps == []: selected_timesteps = edisgo_obj.results.v_res.loc[ timestep_dropdown_end:timestep_dropdown_start, : ].index.to_list() elif timestep_mode == "All": selected_timesteps = None app.logger.debug(f"selected_timesteps={selected_timesteps}") fig_1 = plot_plotly( edisgo_obj=edisgo_obj, grid=grid, line_color=selected_line_plot_mode, node_color=selected_node_plot_mode, line_result_selection=line_result_selection, node_result_selection=node_result_selection, selected_timesteps=selected_timesteps, pseudo_coordinates=pseudo_coordinates, center_coordinates=True, ) edisgo_obj = edisgo_objects[selected_edisgo_object_2] (G, grid) = chosen_graph(edisgo_obj, selected_grid) fig_2 = plot_plotly( edisgo_obj=edisgo_obj, grid=grid, line_color=selected_line_plot_mode, node_color=selected_node_plot_mode, line_result_selection=line_result_selection, node_result_selection=node_result_selection, selected_timesteps=selected_timesteps, pseudo_coordinates=pseudo_coordinates, center_coordinates=True, ) return fig_1, fig_2 else: app.layout = html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Grid"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_grid", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in grid_name_list ], value=grid_name_list[1], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Line plot mode"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_line_plot_mode", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in line_plot_modes ], value=line_plot_modes[0], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Line result selection"), dcc.Dropdown( id="line_result_selection", options=[ {"label": "Min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "Max", "value": "max"}, ], value="max", ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Pseudo coordinates"), dcc.RadioItems( id="radioitems_pseudo_coordinates", options=[ {"label": "False", "value": False}, {"label": "True", "value": True}, ], value=False, ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Node plot mode"), dcc.Dropdown( id="dropdown_node_plot_mode", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in node_plot_modes ], value=node_plot_modes[0], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Node result selection"), dcc.Dropdown( id="node_result_selection", options=[ {"label": "Min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "Max", "value": "max"}, ], value="max", ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Time step mode"), dcc.RadioItems( ["Single", "Range", "All"], "All", inline=True, id="timestep_mode_radio", ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Time step start"), dcc.Dropdown( id="timestep_dropdown_start", options=timestep_option, value=timestep_option[0]["value"], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Time step end"), dcc.Dropdown( id="timestep_dropdown_end", options=timestep_option, value=timestep_option[-1]["value"], ), ], style={"padding": padding, "flex": 1}, ), ], style={ "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row", "padding": 0, "flex": 1, }, ), html.Div( [html.Div([dcc.Graph(id="fig")], style={"flex": "auto"})], style={"display": "flex", "flex-direction": "row"}, ), ], style={"display": "flex", "flex-direction": "column"}, ) @app.callback( Output("timestep_dropdown_start", "disabled"), Output("timestep_dropdown_end", "disabled"), Input("timestep_mode_radio", "value"), ) def update_timestep_components_single(timestep_mode_radio): if timestep_mode_radio == "Single": timestep_dropdown_start = False timestep_dropdown_end = True elif timestep_mode_radio == "Range": timestep_dropdown_start = False timestep_dropdown_end = False elif timestep_mode_radio == "All": timestep_dropdown_start = True timestep_dropdown_end = True return (timestep_dropdown_start, timestep_dropdown_end) @app.callback( Output("fig", "figure"), Input("dropdown_grid", "value"), Input("dropdown_line_plot_mode", "value"), Input("dropdown_node_plot_mode", "value"), Input("radioitems_pseudo_coordinates", "value"), Input("line_result_selection", "value"), Input("node_result_selection", "value"), Input("timestep_mode_radio", "value"), Input("timestep_dropdown_start", "value"), Input("timestep_dropdown_end", "value"), log=True, ) def update_figure_single( selected_grid, selected_line_plot_mode, selected_node_plot_mode, pseudo_coordinates, line_result_selection, node_result_selection, timestep_mode, timestep_dropdown_start, timestep_dropdown_end, ): if timestep_mode == "Single": selected_timesteps = timestep_dropdown_start elif timestep_mode == "Range": app.logger.debug(f"timestep_dropdown_start={timestep_dropdown_start}") app.logger.debug(f"timestep_dropdown_end={timestep_dropdown_end}") if timestep_dropdown_start == timestep_dropdown_end: selected_timesteps = str(timestep_dropdown_start) else: selected_timesteps = edisgo_obj_1.results.v_res.loc[ timestep_dropdown_start:timestep_dropdown_end, : ].index if len(selected_timesteps) == 0: selected_timesteps = edisgo_obj_1.results.v_res.loc[ timestep_dropdown_end:timestep_dropdown_start, : ].index selected_timesteps = list(map(str, selected_timesteps)) elif timestep_mode == "All": selected_timesteps = None app.logger.debug(f"selected_timesteps={selected_timesteps}") (G, grid) = chosen_graph(edisgo_obj_1, selected_grid) fig = plot_plotly( edisgo_obj=edisgo_obj_1, grid=grid, line_color=selected_line_plot_mode, node_color=selected_node_plot_mode, line_result_selection=line_result_selection, node_result_selection=node_result_selection, selected_timesteps=selected_timesteps, pseudo_coordinates=pseudo_coordinates, center_coordinates=True, ) return fig return app
[docs]def plot_dash( edisgo_objects: EDisGo | dict[str, EDisGo], mode: str = "inline", debug: bool = False, port: int = 8050, ): """ Shows the generated jupyter dash app from given eDisGo object(s). Parameters ---------- edisgo_objects : :class:`~.EDisGo` or dict[str, :class:`~.EDisGo`] eDisGo objects to show in plotly dash app. In the case of multiple edisgo objects pass a dictionary with the eDisGo objects as values and the respective eDisGo object names as keys. mode : str Display mode * "inline" (default) Jupyter lab inline plotting. * "jupyterlab" Plotting in own Jupyter lab tab. * "external" Plotting in own browser tab. debug : bool If True, enables debugging of the jupyter dash app. port : int Port which the app uses. Default: 8050. """ app = plot_dash_app(edisgo_objects, debug=debug) log = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) app.run_server(mode=mode, debug=debug, height=820, port=port)