Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from edisgo.flex_opt import check_tech_constraints
from edisgo.flex_opt.costs import line_expansion_costs

    from edisgo import EDisGo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _scored_most_critical_loading(
    edisgo_obj: EDisGo, weight_by_costs: bool = True
) -> pd.Series:
    Get time steps sorted by severity of overloadings.

    The overloading can be weighted by the estimated expansion costs of each respective
    line and transformer. See parameter `weight_by_costs` for more information.

    edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo`
    weight_by_costs : bool
        Defines whether overloading issues should be weighted by estimated grid
        expansion costs or not. See parameter `weight_by_costs` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_steps` for more information.
        Default: True.

        Series with time index and corresponding sum of maximum relative overloadings
        of lines and transformers (weighted by estimated reinforcement costs, in case
        `weight_by_costs` is True). The series only contains time steps, where at least
        one component is maximally overloaded, and is sorted descending order.

    # ToDo The relative loading is used in this function to determine most critical
    #  time steps. While this makes sense to determine which lines are overloaded, it
    #  is not the best indicator for the weighting as it does not convey the number
    #  of additional lines needed to solve a problem. For that the number of parallel
    #  standard lines and transformers needed would be better. However, for now
    #  using the relative overloading as an estimation is okay.
    # Get current relative to allowed current
    relative_i_res = check_tech_constraints.components_relative_load(edisgo_obj)

    # Get lines that have violations
    crit_lines_score = relative_i_res[relative_i_res > 1]

    # Get most critical time steps per component
    crit_lines_score = crit_lines_score[crit_lines_score == crit_lines_score.max()]

    if weight_by_costs:
        # weight line violations with expansion costs
        costs = _costs_per_line_and_transformer(edisgo_obj)
        crit_lines_score = crit_lines_score * costs.loc[crit_lines_score.columns]
        crit_lines_score = crit_lines_score - 1

    # drop components and time steps without violations
    crit_lines_score = (
        crit_lines_score.dropna(how="all").dropna(how="all", axis=1).fillna(0)
    # sort sum in descending order
    return crit_lines_score.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False)

def _scored_most_critical_voltage_issues(
    edisgo_obj: EDisGo, weight_by_costs: bool = True
) -> pd.Series:
    Method to get time steps where at least one bus shows its highest deviation from
    allowed voltage boundaries.

    The voltage issues can be weighted by the estimated expansion costs in each
    respective feeder. See parameter `weight_by_costs` for more information.

    edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo`
    weight_by_costs : bool
        Defines whether voltage issues should be weighted by estimated grid expansion
        costs or not. See parameter `weight_by_costs` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_steps` for more information.
        Default: True.

        Series with time index and corresponding sum of maximum voltage deviations
        (weighted by estimated reinforcement costs, in case `weight_by_costs` is True).
        The series only contains time steps, where at least one bus has its highest
        deviation from the allowed voltage limits, and is sorted descending by the
        sum of maximum voltage deviations.

    voltage_diff = check_tech_constraints.voltage_deviation_from_allowed_voltage_limits(

    # Get score for nodes that are over or under the allowed deviations
    voltage_diff = voltage_diff[voltage_diff != 0.0].abs()
    # get only most critical events for component
    # Todo: should there be different ones for over and undervoltage?
    voltage_diff = voltage_diff[voltage_diff == voltage_diff.max()]

    if weight_by_costs:
        # set feeder using MV feeder for MV components and LV feeder for LV components
        # feeders of buses at MV/LV station's secondary sides are set to the name of the
        # station bus to have them as separate feeders
        lv_station_buses = [
            lv_grid.station.index[0] for lv_grid in edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid.lv_grids
            lv_station_buses, "grid_feeder"
        ] = lv_station_buses
        # weight voltage violations with expansion costs
        costs = _costs_per_feeder(edisgo_obj, lv_station_buses=lv_station_buses)
        # map feeder costs to buses
        feeder_buses = edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.grid_feeder
        costs_buses = pd.Series(
                bus_name: (
                    if feeder_buses[bus_name] != "station_node"
                    else 0
                for bus_name in feeder_buses.index
        voltage_diff = voltage_diff * costs_buses.loc[voltage_diff.columns]

    # drop components and time steps without violations
    voltage_diff = voltage_diff.dropna(how="all").dropna(how="all", axis=1).fillna(0)
    # sort sum in descending order
    return voltage_diff.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False)

def _scored_most_critical_loading_time_interval(
    Get time intervals sorted by severity of overloadings.

    The overloading can be weighted by the estimated expansion costs of each respective
    line and transformer. See parameter `weight_by_costs` for more information.
    The length of the time intervals and hour of day at which the time intervals should
    begin can be set through the parameters `time_steps_per_time_interval` and

    This function currently only works for an hourly resolution!

    edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo`
        The eDisGo API object
    time_steps_per_time_interval : int
        Amount of continuous time steps in an interval that violation is determined for.
        See parameter `time_steps_per_time_interval` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: 168.
    time_steps_per_day : int
        Number of time steps in one day. See parameter `time_steps_per_day` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: 24.
    time_step_day_start : int
        Time step of the day at which each interval should start. See parameter
        `time_step_day_start` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        Default: 0.
    overloading_factor : float
        Factor at which an overloading of a component is considered to be close enough
        to the highest overloading of that component. See parameter
        `overloading_factor` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        Default: 0.95.
    weight_by_costs : bool
        Defines whether overloading issues should be weighted by estimated grid
        expansion costs or not. See parameter `weight_by_costs` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: True.

        Contains time intervals in which grid expansion needs due to overloading of
        lines and transformers are detected. The time intervals are sorted descending
        by the expected cumulated grid expansion costs, so that the time interval with
        the highest expected costs corresponds to index 0. The time steps in the
        respective time interval are given in column "time_steps" and the share
        of components for which the maximum overloading is reached during the time
        interval is given in column "percentage_max_overloaded_components".


    # Get current relative to allowed current
    relative_i_res = check_tech_constraints.components_relative_load(edisgo_obj)

    # Get lines that have violations and replace nan values with 0
    crit_lines_score = relative_i_res[relative_i_res > 1].fillna(0)

    if weight_by_costs:
        # weight line violations with expansion costs
        costs = _costs_per_line_and_transformer(edisgo_obj)
        crit_lines_weighted = crit_lines_score * costs
        crit_lines_weighted = crit_lines_score.copy()

    time_intervals_df = _most_critical_time_interval(

    return time_intervals_df

def _scored_most_critical_voltage_issues_time_interval(
    Get time intervals sorted by severity of voltage issues.

    The voltage issues can be weighted by the estimated expansion costs in each
    respective feeder. See parameter `weight_by_costs` for more information.
    The length of the time intervals and hour of day at which the time intervals should
    begin can be set through the parameters `time_steps_per_time_interval` and

    This function currently only works for an hourly resolution!

    edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo`
        The eDisGo API object
    time_steps_per_time_interval : int
        Amount of continuous time steps in an interval that violation is determined for.
        See parameter `time_steps_per_time_interval` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: 168.
    time_steps_per_day : int
        Number of time steps in one day. See parameter `time_steps_per_day` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: 24.
    time_step_day_start : int
        Time step of the day at which each interval should start. See parameter
        `time_step_day_start` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        Default: 0.
    voltage_deviation_factor : float
        Factor at which a voltage deviation at a bus is considered to be close enough
        to the highest voltage deviation at that bus. See parameter
        `voltage_deviation_factor` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        Default: 0.95.
    weight_by_costs : bool
        Defines whether voltage issues should be weighted by estimated grid expansion
        costs or not. See parameter `weight_by_costs` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: True.

        Contains time intervals in which grid expansion needs due to voltage issues
        are detected. The time intervals are sorted descending
        by the expected cumulated grid expansion costs, so that the time interval with
        the highest expected costs corresponds to index 0. The time steps in the
        respective time interval are given in column "time_steps" and the share
        of buses for which the maximum voltage deviation is reached during the time
        interval is given in column "percentage_buses_max_voltage_deviation". Each bus
        is only considered once. That means if its maximum voltage deviation was
        already considered in an earlier time interval, it is not considered again.


    # get voltage deviation from allowed voltage limits
    voltage_diff = check_tech_constraints.voltage_deviation_from_allowed_voltage_limits(
    voltage_diff = voltage_diff[voltage_diff != 0.0].abs().fillna(0)

    # set feeder using MV feeder for MV components and LV feeder for LV components
    # feeders of buses at MV/LV station's secondary sides are set to the name of the
    # station bus to have them as separate feeders
    lv_station_buses = [
        lv_grid.station.index[0] for lv_grid in edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid.lv_grids
    edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.loc[lv_station_buses, "grid_feeder"] = lv_station_buses

    # check for every feeder if any of the buses within violate the allowed voltage
    # deviation, by grouping voltage_diff per feeder
    feeder_buses = edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.grid_feeder
    columns = [feeder_buses.loc[col] for col in voltage_diff.columns]
    voltage_diff_feeder = voltage_diff.copy()
    voltage_diff_feeder.columns = columns
    voltage_diff_feeder = (

    if weight_by_costs:
        # get costs per feeder
        costs_per_feeder = _costs_per_feeder(edisgo_obj, lv_station_buses)
        # weight feeder voltage violation with costs per feeder
        voltage_diff_feeder = voltage_diff_feeder * costs_per_feeder

    time_intervals_df = _most_critical_time_interval(

    return time_intervals_df

def _costs_per_line_and_transformer(edisgo_obj):
    Helper function to get costs per line (including earthwork and costs for one new
    line) and per transformer.

    Transformers are named after the grid at the lower voltage level and with the
    expansion "_station", e.g. "LVGrid_0_station".

        Series with component name in index and costs in kEUR as values.

    costs_lines = (
    costs_trafos_lv = pd.Series(
            str(lv_grid) + "_station"
            for lv_grid in list(edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid.lv_grids)
    costs_trafos_mv = pd.Series(
        index=["MVGrid_" + str( + "_station"],
    return pd.concat([costs_lines, costs_trafos_lv, costs_trafos_mv])

def _costs_per_feeder(edisgo_obj, lv_station_buses=None):
    Helper function to get costs per MV and LV feeder (including earthwork and costs for
    one new line) and per MV/LV transformer (as they are considered as feeders).

    Transformers are named after the bus at the MV/LV station's secondary side.

    edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo`
    lv_station_buses : list(str) or None
        List of bus names of buses at the secondary side of the MV/LV transformers.
        If None, list is generated.

        Series with feeder names in index and costs in kEUR as values.

    if lv_station_buses is None:
        lv_station_buses = [
            lv_grid.station.index[0] for lv_grid in edisgo_obj.topology.mv_grid.lv_grids
    if "grid_feeder" not in edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.columns:
        # set feeder using MV feeder for MV components and LV feeder for LV components

    # feeders of buses at MV/LV station's secondary sides are set to the name of the
    # station bus to have them as separate feeders
    edisgo_obj.topology.buses_df.loc[lv_station_buses, "grid_feeder"] = lv_station_buses

    costs_lines = (
    costs_trafos_lv = pd.Series(
    costs = pd.concat([costs_lines, costs_trafos_lv])

    feeder_lines = edisgo_obj.topology.lines_df.grid_feeder
    feeder_trafos_lv = pd.Series(
    feeder = pd.concat([feeder_lines, feeder_trafos_lv])
    costs_per_feeder = (
        pd.concat([costs.rename("costs"), feeder.rename("feeder")], axis=1)

    return costs_per_feeder.squeeze()

def _most_critical_time_interval(
    Helper function used in functions
    :func:`~_scored_most_critical_loading_time_interval` and
    to get time intervals sorted by severity of grid issue.

    This function currently only works for an hourly resolution!

    costs_per_time_step : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<DataFrame>`
        Dataframe containing the estimated grid expansion costs per line or feeder.
        Columns contain line or feeder names.
        Index of the dataframe are all time steps power flow analysis
        was conducted for of type :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>`.
    grid_issues_magnitude_df : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<DataFrame>`
        Dataframe containing the relative overloading or voltage deviation per time
        step in case of an overloading or voltage issue in that time step.
        Columns contain line or bus names.
        Index of the dataframe are all time steps power flow analysis
        was conducted for of type :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>`.
    which : str
        Defines whether function is used to determine most critical time intervals for
        voltage or overloading problems. Can either be "voltage" or "overloading".
    deviation_factor : float
        Factor at which a grid issue is considered to be close enough to the highest
        grid issue. In case parameter `which` is "voltage", see parameter
        `voltage_deviation_factor` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        information. In case parameter `which` is "overloading", see parameter
        `overloading_factor` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        Default: 0.95.
    time_steps_per_time_interval : int
        Amount of continuous time steps in an interval that violation is determined for.
        See parameter `time_steps_per_time_interval` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: 168.
    time_steps_per_day : int
        Number of time steps in one day. See parameter `time_steps_per_day` in
        :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more information.
        Default: 24.
    time_step_day_start : int
        Time step of the day at which each interval should start. See parameter
        `time_step_day_start` in :func:`~get_most_critical_time_intervals` for more
        Default: 0.

        Contains time intervals in which grid expansion needs due to voltage issues
        are detected. The time intervals are sorted descending
        by the expected cumulated grid expansion costs, so that the time interval with
        the highest expected costs corresponds to index 0. The time steps in the
        respective time interval are given in column "time_steps" and the share
        of buses for which the maximum voltage deviation is reached during the time
        interval is given in column "percentage_buses_max_voltage_deviation". Each bus
        is only considered once. That means if its maximum voltage deviation was
        already considered in an earlier time interval, it is not considered again.

    # get the highest issues in each window for each feeder and sum it up
    crit_timesteps = (
            window=int(time_steps_per_time_interval), closed="right"
    # select each nth time window to only consider windows starting at a certain time
    # of day and sort time intervals in descending order
    # ToDo: To make function work for frequencies other than hourly, the following
    #  needs to be adapted to index based on time index instead of iloc
    crit_timesteps = (
        crit_timesteps.iloc[int(time_steps_per_time_interval) - 1 :]
    # get time steps in each time interval - these are set up setting the given time
    # step to be the end of the respective time interval, as rolling() function gives
    # the time step at the end of the considered time interval; further, only time
    # intervals with a sum greater than zero are considered, as zero values mean, that
    # there is no grid issue in the respective time interval
    time_intervals = [
        pd.date_range(end=timestep, periods=int(time_steps_per_time_interval), freq="h")
        for timestep in crit_timesteps.index
        if crit_timesteps[timestep] != 0.0

    # make dataframe with time steps in each time interval and the percentage of
    # buses/branches that reach their maximum voltage deviation / overloading
    if which == "voltage":
        percentage = "percentage_buses_max_voltage_deviation"
        percentage = "percentage_max_overloaded_components"
    time_intervals_df = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=["time_steps", percentage],
    time_intervals_df["time_steps"] = time_intervals

    max_per_bus = grid_issues_magnitude_df.max().fillna(0)
    total_buses = len(grid_issues_magnitude_df.columns)
    for i in range(len(time_intervals)):
        # check if worst voltage deviation of every bus is included in time interval
        max_per_bus_ti = grid_issues_magnitude_df.loc[time_intervals[i]].max()
        time_intervals_df[percentage][i] = (
            len(max_per_bus_ti[max_per_bus_ti >= max_per_bus * deviation_factor])
            / total_buses
    return time_intervals_df

def _troubleshooting_mode(
    Handles non-convergence issues in power flow by iteratively reducing load and
    feed-in until the power flow converges.

    Load and feed-in is reduced in steps of 10% down to 20% of the original load
    and feed-in. The most critical time intervals / time steps can then be determined
    based on the power flow results with the reduced load and feed-in.

    edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo`
        The eDisGo API object
    mode : str or None
        Allows to toggle between power flow analysis for the whole network or just
        the MV or one LV grid. See parameter `mode` in function
        :attr:`~.EDisGo.analyze` for more information.
    timesteps : :pandas:`pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>` or \
        Timesteps specifies from which time steps to select most critical ones. It
        defaults to None in which case all time steps in
        :attr:`` are used.
    lv_grid_id : int or str
        ID (e.g. 1) or name (string representation, e.g. "LVGrid_1") of LV grid
        to analyze in case mode is 'lv'. Default: None.
    scale_timeseries : float or None
        See parameter `scale_timeseries` in function :attr:`~.EDisGo.analyze` for more

        logger.debug("Running initial power flow for temporal complexity reduction.")
    # Exception is used, as non-convergence can also lead to RuntimeError, not only
    # ValueError
    except Exception:
        # if power flow did not converge for all time steps, run again with smaller
        # loading - loading is decreased, until all time steps converge
            "When running power flow to determine most critical time intervals, "
            "not all time steps converged. Power flow is run again with reduced "
            "network load."
        if isinstance(scale_timeseries, float):
            iter_start = scale_timeseries - 0.1
            iter_start = 0.8
        for fraction in np.arange(iter_start, 0.0, step=-0.1):
                    f"Power flow fully converged for a reduction factor "
                    f"of {fraction}."
            except Exception:
                if fraction == 0.1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Power flow did not converge for smallest reduction "
                        f"factor of {fraction}. Most critical time intervals "
                        f"can therefore not be determined."
                        f"Power flow did not fully converge for a reduction factor "
                        f"of {fraction}."
    return edisgo_obj

[docs] def get_most_critical_time_intervals( edisgo_obj, num_time_intervals=None, percentage=1.0, time_steps_per_time_interval=168, time_step_day_start=0, save_steps=False, path="", use_troubleshooting_mode=True, overloading_factor=0.95, voltage_deviation_factor=0.95, weight_by_costs=True, ): """ Get time intervals sorted by severity of overloadings as well as voltage issues. The overloading and voltage issues can be weighted by the estimated expansion costs solving the issue would require. The length of the time intervals and hour of day at which the time intervals should begin can be set through the parameters `time_steps_per_time_interval` and `time_step_day_start`. This function currently only works for an hourly resolution! Parameters ----------- edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo` The eDisGo API object num_time_intervals : int The number of time intervals of most critical line loading and voltage issues to select. If None, `percentage` is used. Default: None. percentage : float The percentage of most critical time intervals to select. The default is 1.0, in which case all most critical time steps are selected. Default: 1.0. time_steps_per_time_interval : int Amount of continuous time steps in an interval that violation is determined for. Currently, these can only be multiples of 24. Default: 168. time_step_day_start : int Time step of the day at which each interval should start. If you want it to start at midnight, this should be set to 0. Default: 0. save_steps : bool If set to True, dataframe with time intervals is saved to csv file. The path can be specified through parameter `path`. Default: False. path : str Directory the csv file is saved to. Per default, it takes the current working directory. use_troubleshooting_mode : bool If set to True, non-convergence issues in power flow are tried to be handled by reducing load and feed-in in steps of 10% down to 20% of the original load and feed-in until the power flow converges. The most critical time intervals are then determined based on the power flow results with the reduced load and feed-in. If False, an error will be raised in case time steps do not converge. Default: True. overloading_factor : float Factor at which an overloading of a component is considered to be close enough to the highest overloading of that component. This is used to determine the number of components that reach their highest overloading in each time interval. Per default, it is set to 0.95, which means that if the highest overloading of a component is 2, it will be considered maximally overloaded at an overloading of higher or equal to 2*0.95. Default: 0.95. voltage_deviation_factor : float Factor at which a voltage deviation at a bus is considered to be close enough to the highest voltage deviation at that bus. This is used to determine the number of buses that reach their highest voltage deviation in each time interval. Per default, it is set to 0.95. This means that if the highest voltage deviation at a bus is 0.2, it will be included in the determination of number of buses that reach their maximum voltage deviation in a certain time interval at a voltage deviation of higher or equal to 0.2*0.95. Default: 0.95. weight_by_costs : bool Defines whether overloading and voltage issues should be weighted by estimated grid expansion costs or not. This can be done in order to take into account that some grid issues are more relevant, as reinforcing a certain line or feeder will be more expensive than another one. In case of voltage issues: If True, the costs for each MV and LV feeder, as well as MV/LV station are determined using the costs for earth work and new lines over the full length of the feeder respectively for a new MV/LV station. In each time interval, the estimated costs are only taken into account, in case there is a voltage issue somewhere in the feeder. The costs don't convey the actual costs but are an estimation, as the real number of parallel lines needed is not determined and the whole feeder length is used instead of the length over two-thirds of the feeder. If False, only the maximum voltage deviation in the feeder is used to determine the most relevant time intervals. In case of overloading issues: If True, the overloading of each line is multiplied by the respective grid expansion costs of that line including costs for earth work and one new line. The costs don't convey the actual costs but are an estimation, as the discrete number of needed parallel lines is not considered. If False, only the relative overloading is used to determine the most relevant time intervals. Default: True. Returns -------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<DataFrame>` Contains time intervals in which grid expansion needs due to overloading and voltage issues are detected. The time intervals are determined independently for overloading and voltage issues and sorted descending by the expected cumulated grid expansion costs, so that the time intervals with the highest expected costs correspond to index 0. In case of overloading, the time steps in the respective time interval are given in column "time_steps_overloading" and the share of components for which the maximum overloading is reached during the time interval is given in column "percentage_max_overloaded_components". For voltage issues, the time steps in the respective time interval are given in column "time_steps_voltage_issues" and the share of buses for which the maximum voltage deviation is reached during the time interval is given in column "percentage_buses_max_voltage_deviation". """ # check frequency of time series data timeindex = edisgo_obj.timeseries.timeindex timedelta = timeindex[1] - timeindex[0] if timedelta != pd.Timedelta("1h"): logger.warning( "The function 'get_most_critical_time_intervals' can currently only be " "applied to time series data in an hourly resolution." ) # Run power flow if use_troubleshooting_mode: edisgo_obj = _troubleshooting_mode(edisgo_obj) else: logger.debug("Running initial power flow for temporal complexity reduction.") edisgo_obj.analyze() # Select most critical time intervals based on current violations loading_scores = _scored_most_critical_loading_time_interval( edisgo_obj, time_steps_per_time_interval, time_step_day_start=time_step_day_start, overloading_factor=overloading_factor, weight_by_costs=weight_by_costs, ) if num_time_intervals is None: num_time_intervals = int(np.ceil(len(loading_scores) * percentage)) else: if num_time_intervals > len(loading_scores): f"The number of time intervals with highest overloading " f"({len(loading_scores)}) is lower than the defined number of " f"loading time intervals ({num_time_intervals}). Therefore, only " f"{len(loading_scores)} time intervals are exported." ) num_time_intervals = len(loading_scores) steps = loading_scores.iloc[:num_time_intervals] # Select most critical steps based on voltage violations voltage_scores = _scored_most_critical_voltage_issues_time_interval( edisgo_obj, time_steps_per_time_interval, time_step_day_start=time_step_day_start, voltage_deviation_factor=voltage_deviation_factor, weight_by_costs=weight_by_costs, ) if num_time_intervals is None: num_time_intervals = int(np.ceil(len(voltage_scores) * percentage)) else: if num_time_intervals > len(voltage_scores): f"The number of time steps with highest voltage issues " f"({len(voltage_scores)}) is lower than the defined number of " f"voltage time steps ({num_time_intervals}). Therefore, only " f"{len(voltage_scores)} time steps are exported." ) num_time_intervals = len(voltage_scores) # merge time intervals steps = pd.merge( steps, voltage_scores.iloc[:num_time_intervals], left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=("_overloading", "_voltage_issues"), ) if len(steps) == 0:"No critical steps detected. No network expansion required.") if save_steps: abs_path = os.path.abspath(path) steps.to_csv( os.path.join( abs_path, f"{}_t_{time_steps_per_time_interval}.csv", ) ) return steps
[docs] def get_most_critical_time_steps( edisgo_obj: EDisGo, mode=None, timesteps=None, lv_grid_id=None, scale_timeseries=None, num_steps_loading=None, num_steps_voltage=None, percentage: float = 1.0, use_troubleshooting_mode=True, run_initial_analyze=True, weight_by_costs=True, ) -> pd.DatetimeIndex: """ Get the time steps with the most critical overloading and voltage issues. Parameters ----------- edisgo_obj : :class:`~.EDisGo` The eDisGo API object mode : str or None Allows to toggle between power flow analysis for the whole network or just the MV or one LV grid. See parameter `mode` in function :attr:`~.EDisGo.analyze` for more information. timesteps : :pandas:`pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>` or \ :pandas:`pandas.Timestamp<Timestamp>` Timesteps specifies from which time steps to select most critical ones. It defaults to None in which case all time steps in :attr:`` are used. lv_grid_id : int or str ID (e.g. 1) or name (string representation, e.g. "LVGrid_1") of LV grid to analyze in case mode is 'lv'. Default: None. scale_timeseries : float or None See parameter `scale_timeseries` in function :attr:`~.EDisGo.analyze` for more information. num_steps_loading : int The number of most critical overloading events to select. If None, `percentage` is used. Default: None. num_steps_voltage : int The number of most critical voltage issues to select. If None, `percentage` is used. Default: None. percentage : float The percentage of most critical time steps to select. The default is 1.0, in which case all most critical time steps are selected. Default: 1.0. use_troubleshooting_mode : bool If set to True, non-convergence issues in power flow are tried to be handled by reducing load and feed-in in steps of 10% down to 20% of the original load and feed-in until the power flow converges. The most critical time steps are then determined based on the power flow results with the reduced load and feed-in. If False, an error will be raised in case time steps do not converge. Default: True. run_initial_analyze : bool This parameter can be used to specify whether to run an initial analyze to determine most critical time steps or to use existing results. If set to False, `use_troubleshooting_mode` is ignored. Default: True. weight_by_costs : bool Defines whether overloading and voltage issues should be weighted by estimated grid expansion costs or not. This can be done in order to take into account that some grid issues are more relevant, as reinforcing a certain line or feeder will be more expensive than another one. In case of voltage issues: If True, the voltage issues at each bus are weighted by the estimated grid expansion costs for the MV or LV feeder the bus is in or in case of MV/LV stations by the costs for a new transformer. Feeder costs are determined using the costs for earth work and new lines over the full length of the feeder. The costs don't convey the actual costs but are an estimation, as the real number of parallel lines needed is not determined and the whole feeder length is used instead of the length over two-thirds of the feeder. If False, the severity of each feeder's voltage issue is set to be the same. In case of overloading issues: If True, the overloading of each line is multiplied by the respective grid expansion costs of that line including costs for earth work and one new line. The costs don't convey the actual costs but are an estimation, as the discrete needed number of parallel lines is not considered. If False, only the relative overloading is used. Default: True. Returns -------- :pandas:`pandas.DatetimeIndex<DatetimeIndex>` Time index with unique time steps where maximum overloading or maximum voltage deviation is reached for at least one component respectively bus. """ # Run power flow if run_initial_analyze: if use_troubleshooting_mode: edisgo_obj = _troubleshooting_mode( edisgo_obj, mode=mode, timesteps=timesteps, lv_grid_id=lv_grid_id, scale_timeseries=scale_timeseries, ) else: logger.debug( "Running initial power flow for temporal complexity reduction." ) edisgo_obj.analyze( mode=mode, timesteps=timesteps, lv_grid_id=lv_grid_id, scale_timeseries=scale_timeseries, ) # Select most critical steps based on current violations loading_scores = _scored_most_critical_loading( edisgo_obj, weight_by_costs=weight_by_costs ) if num_steps_loading is None: num_steps_loading = int(len(loading_scores) * percentage) else: if num_steps_loading > len(loading_scores): f"The number of time steps with highest overloading " f"({len(loading_scores)}) is lower than the defined number of " f"loading time steps ({num_steps_loading}). Therefore, only " f"{len(loading_scores)} time steps are exported." ) num_steps_loading = len(loading_scores) elif num_steps_loading < len(loading_scores): f"{num_steps_loading} of a total of {len(loading_scores)} relevant " f"time steps for overloading issues are chosen for the selection " f"of most critical time steps." ) steps = loading_scores[:num_steps_loading].index # Select most critical steps based on voltage violations voltage_scores = _scored_most_critical_voltage_issues( edisgo_obj, weight_by_costs=weight_by_costs ) if num_steps_voltage is None: num_steps_voltage = int(len(voltage_scores) * percentage) else: if num_steps_voltage > len(voltage_scores): f"The number of time steps with highest voltage issues " f"({len(voltage_scores)}) is lower than the defined number of " f"voltage time steps ({num_steps_voltage}). Therefore, only " f"{len(voltage_scores)} time steps are exported." ) num_steps_voltage = len(voltage_scores) elif num_steps_voltage < len(voltage_scores): f"{num_steps_voltage} of a total of {len(voltage_scores)} relevant " f"time steps for voltage issues are chosen for the selection " f"of most critical time steps." ) steps = steps.append(voltage_scores[:num_steps_voltage].index) if len(steps) == 0: logger.warning("No critical steps detected. No network expansion required.") return pd.DatetimeIndex(steps.unique())