Source code for

from ..grid.components import Load, Generator, BranchTee, MVStation, Line, \
    Transformer, LVStation, GeneratorFluctuating
from ..grid.grids import MVGrid, LVGrid
from ..grid.connect import connect_mv_generators, connect_lv_generators
from import select_cable, position_switch_disconnectors
from import proj2equidistant
from import pypsa_io
from import session_scope

from egoio.db_tables import model_draft, supply

from sqlalchemy import func
from workalendar.europe import Germany
from demandlib import bdew as bdew, particular_profiles as profiles
import datetime

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from math import isnan
import random
import os

if not 'READTHEDOCS' in os.environ:
    from import load_nd_from_pickle
    from import LVStationDing0
    from ding0.core.structure.regions import LVLoadAreaCentreDing0
    from ding0.core import GeneratorFluctuatingDing0
    from shapely.ops import transform
    from shapely.wkt import loads as wkt_loads

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('edisgo')

[docs]def import_from_ding0(file, network): """ Import an eDisGo grid topology from `Ding0 data <>`_. This import method is specifically designed to load grid topology data in the format as `Ding0 <>`_ provides it via pickles. The import of the grid topology includes * the topology itself * equipment parameter * generators incl. location, type, subtype and capacity * loads incl. location and sectoral consumption Parameters ---------- file: :obj:`str` or :class:`ding0.core.NetworkDing0` If a str is provided it is assumed it points to a pickle with Ding0 grid data. This file will be read. If an object of the type :class:`ding0.core.NetworkDing0` data will be used directly from this object. network: :class:`` The eDisGo data container object Notes ----- Assumes :class:`ding0.core.NetworkDing0` provided by `file` contains only data of one mv_grid_district. """ # when `file` is a string, it will be read by the help of pickle if isinstance(file, str): ding0_nd = load_nd_from_pickle(filename=file) # otherwise it is assumed the object is passed directly else: ding0_nd = file ding0_mv_grid = ding0_nd._mv_grid_districts[0].mv_grid # Make sure circuit breakers (respectively the rings) are closed ding0_mv_grid.close_circuit_breakers() # Import medium-voltage grid data network.mv_grid = _build_mv_grid(ding0_mv_grid, network) # Import low-voltage grid data lv_grids, lv_station_mapping, lv_grid_mapping = _build_lv_grid( ding0_mv_grid, network) # Assign lv_grids to network network.mv_grid.lv_grids = lv_grids # Integrate disconnecting points position_switch_disconnectors(network.mv_grid, mode=network.config['disconnecting_point'][ 'position']) # Check data integrity _validate_ding0_grid_import(network.mv_grid, ding0_mv_grid, lv_grid_mapping) # Set data source network.set_data_source('grid', 'dingo') # Set more params network._id = # Update the weather_cell_ids in mv_grid to include the ones in lv_grids # ToDo: maybe get a better solution to push the weather_cell_ids in lv_grids but not in mv_grid but into the # mv_grid.weather_cell_ids from within the Grid() object or the MVGrid() or LVGrid() mv_weather_cell_id = network.mv_grid.weather_cells for lvg in lv_grids: if lvg.weather_cells: for lv_w_id in lvg._weather_cells: if not (lv_w_id in mv_weather_cell_id): network.mv_grid._weather_cells.append(lv_w_id)
def _build_lv_grid(ding0_grid, network): """ Build eDisGo LV grid from Ding0 data Parameters ---------- ding0_grid: ding0.MVGridDing0 Ding0 MV grid object Returns ------- list of LVGrid LV grids dict Dictionary containing a mapping of LV stations in Ding0 to newly created eDisGo LV stations. This mapping is used to use the same instances of LV stations in the MV grid graph. """ lv_station_mapping = {} lv_grids = [] lv_grid_mapping = {} for la in ding0_grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas: for lvgd in la._lv_grid_districts: ding0_lv_grid = lvgd.lv_grid if not ding0_lv_grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.is_aggregated: # Create LV grid instance lv_grid = LVGrid( id=ding0_lv_grid.id_db, geom=ding0_lv_grid.grid_district.geo_data, grid_district={ 'geom': ding0_lv_grid.grid_district.geo_data, 'population': ding0_lv_grid.grid_district.population}, voltage_nom=ding0_lv_grid.v_level / 1e3, network=network) station = {repr(_): _ for _ in network.mv_grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute( 'lv_station')}['LVStation_' + str( ding0_lv_grid._station.id_db)] station.grid = lv_grid for t in station.transformers: t.grid = lv_grid lv_grid.graph.add_node(station, type='lv_station') lv_station_mapping.update({ding0_lv_grid._station: station}) # Create list of load instances and add these to grid's graph loads = {_: Load( id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, grid=lv_grid, consumption=_.consumption) for _ in ding0_lv_grid.loads()} lv_grid.graph.add_nodes_from(loads.values(), type='load') # Create list of generator instances and add these to grid's # graph generators = {_: (GeneratorFluctuating( id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, nominal_capacity=_.capacity, type=_.type, subtype=_.subtype, grid=lv_grid, weather_cell_id=_.weather_cell_id, v_level=_.v_level) if _.type in ['wind', 'solar'] else Generator( id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, nominal_capacity=_.capacity, type=_.type, subtype=_.subtype, grid=lv_grid, v_level=_.v_level)) for _ in ding0_lv_grid.generators()} lv_grid.graph.add_nodes_from(generators.values(), type='generator') # Create list of branch tee instances and add these to grid's # graph branch_tees = { _: BranchTee(id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, grid=lv_grid, in_building=_.in_building) for _ in ding0_lv_grid._cable_distributors} lv_grid.graph.add_nodes_from(branch_tees.values(), type='branch_tee') # Merge node above defined above to a single dict nodes = {**loads, **generators, **branch_tees, **{ding0_lv_grid._station: station}} edges = [] edges_raw = list(nx.get_edge_attributes( ding0_lv_grid._graph, name='branch').items()) for edge in edges_raw: edges.append({'adj_nodes': edge[0], 'branch': edge[1]}) # Create list of line instances and add these to grid's graph lines = [(nodes[_['adj_nodes'][0]], nodes[_['adj_nodes'][1]], {'line': Line( id=_['branch'].id_db, type=_['branch'].type, length=_['branch'].length / 1e3, kind=_['branch'].kind, grid=lv_grid) }) for _ in edges] # convert voltage from V to kV for line in lines: # ToDo: remove work around once it's fixed in ding0 if line[2]['line'].type['U_n'] >= 400: line[2]['line'].type['U_n'] = \ line[2]['line'].type['U_n'] / 1e3 lv_grid.graph.add_edges_from(lines, type='line') # Add LV station as association to LV grid lv_grid._station = station # Add to lv grid mapping lv_grid_mapping.update({lv_grid: ding0_lv_grid}) # Put all LV grid to a list of LV grids lv_grids.append(lv_grid) # ToDo: don't forget to adapt lv stations creation in MV grid return lv_grids, lv_station_mapping, lv_grid_mapping def _build_mv_grid(ding0_grid, network): """ Parameters ---------- ding0_grid: ding0.MVGridDing0 Ding0 MV grid object network: Network The eDisGo container object Returns ------- MVGrid A MV grid of class edisgo.grids.MVGrid is return. Data from the Ding0 MV Grid object is translated to the new grid object. """ # Instantiate a MV grid grid = MVGrid( id=ding0_grid.id_db, network=network, grid_district={'geom': ding0_grid.grid_district.geo_data, 'population': sum([_.zensus_sum for _ in ding0_grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas if not np.isnan(_.zensus_sum)])}, voltage_nom=ding0_grid.v_level) # Special treatment of LVLoadAreaCenters see ... # ToDo: add a reference above for explanation of how these are treated la_centers = [_ for _ in ding0_grid._graph.nodes() if isinstance(_, LVLoadAreaCentreDing0)] if la_centers: aggregated, aggr_stations, dingo_import_data = \ _determine_aggregated_nodes(la_centers) network.dingo_import_data = dingo_import_data else: aggregated = {} aggr_stations = [] # create empty DF for imported agg. generators network.dingo_import_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=('id', 'capacity', 'agg_geno') ) # Create list of load instances and add these to grid's graph loads = {_: Load( id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, grid=grid, consumption=_.consumption) for _ in ding0_grid.loads()} grid.graph.add_nodes_from(loads.values(), type='load') # Create list of generator instances and add these to grid's graph generators = {_: (GeneratorFluctuating( id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, nominal_capacity=_.capacity, type=_.type, subtype=_.subtype, grid=grid, weather_cell_id=_.weather_cell_id, v_level=_.v_level) if _.type in ['wind', 'solar'] else Generator( id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, nominal_capacity=_.capacity, type=_.type, subtype=_.subtype, grid=grid, v_level=_.v_level)) for _ in ding0_grid.generators()} grid.graph.add_nodes_from(generators.values(), type='generator') # Create list of branch tee instances and add these to grid's graph branch_tees = {_: BranchTee(id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, grid=grid, in_building=False) for _ in ding0_grid._cable_distributors} grid.graph.add_nodes_from(branch_tees.values(), type='branch_tee') # Create list of LV station instances and add these to grid's graph stations = {_: LVStation(id=_.id_db, geom=_.geo_data, mv_grid=grid, grid=None, # (this will be set during LV import) transformers=[Transformer( mv_grid=grid, grid=None, # (this will be set during LV import) id='_'.join(['LVStation', str(_.id_db), 'transformer', str(count)]), geom=_.geo_data, voltage_op=t.v_level, type=pd.Series(dict( S_nom=t.s_max_a, x_pu=t.x_pu, r_pu=t.r_pu)) ) for (count, t) in enumerate(_.transformers(), 1)]) for _ in ding0_grid._graph.nodes() if isinstance(_, LVStationDing0) and _ not in aggr_stations} grid.graph.add_nodes_from(stations.values(), type='lv_station') # Create HV-MV station add to graph mv_station = MVStation( id=ding0_grid.station().id_db, geom=ding0_grid.station().geo_data, grid=grid, transformers=[Transformer( mv_grid=grid, grid=grid, id='_'.join(['MVStation', str(ding0_grid.station().id_db), 'transformer', str(count)]), geom=ding0_grid.station().geo_data, voltage_op=_.v_level, type=pd.Series(dict( S_nom=_.s_max_a, x_pu=_.x_pu, r_pu=_.r_pu))) for (count, _) in enumerate( ding0_grid.station().transformers(), 1)]) grid.graph.add_node(mv_station, type='mv_station') # Merge node above defined above to a single dict nodes = {**loads, **generators, **branch_tees, **stations, **{ding0_grid.station(): mv_station}} # Create list of line instances and add these to grid's graph lines = [(nodes[_['adj_nodes'][0]], nodes[_['adj_nodes'][1]], {'line': Line( id=_['branch'].id_db, type=_['branch'].type, kind=_['branch'].kind, length=_['branch'].length / 1e3, grid=grid) }) for _ in ding0_grid.graph_edges() if not any([isinstance(_['adj_nodes'][0], LVLoadAreaCentreDing0), isinstance(_['adj_nodes'][1], LVLoadAreaCentreDing0)])] # set line name as series name for line in lines: line[2]['line'] = line[2]['line'].type['name'] grid.graph.add_edges_from(lines, type='line') # Assign reference to HV-MV station to MV grid grid._station = mv_station # Attach aggregated to MV station _attach_aggregated(network, grid, aggregated, ding0_grid) return grid def _determine_aggregated_nodes(la_centers): """Determine generation and load within load areas Parameters ---------- la_centers: list of LVLoadAreaCentre Load Area Centers are Ding0 implementations for representating areas of high population density with high demand compared to DG potential. Notes ----- Currently, MV grid loads are not considered in this aggregation function as Ding0 data does not come with loads in the MV grid level. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of dict aggregated Dict of the structure .. code: {'generation': { 'v_level': { 'subtype': { 'ids': <ids of aggregated generator>, 'capacity'} } }, 'load': { 'consumption': 'residential': <value>, 'retail': <value>, ... } 'aggregates': { 'population': int, 'geom': `shapely.Polygon` } } :obj:`list` aggr_stations List of LV stations its generation and load is aggregated """ def aggregate_generators(gen, aggr): """Aggregate generation capacity per voltage level Parameters ---------- gen: ding0.core.GeneratorDing0 Ding0 Generator object aggr: dict Aggregated generation capacity. For structure see `_determine_aggregated_nodes()`. Returns ------- """ if gen.v_level not in aggr['generation']: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level] = {} if gen.type not in aggr['generation'][gen.v_level]: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type] = {} if gen.subtype not in aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type]: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type].update( {gen.subtype: {'ids': [gen.id_db], 'capacity': gen.capacity}}) else: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type][gen.subtype][ 'ids'].append(gen.id_db) aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type][gen.subtype][ 'capacity'] += gen.capacity return aggr def aggregate_loads(la_center, aggr): """Aggregate consumption in load area per sector Parameters ---------- la_center: LVLoadAreaCentreDing0 Load area center object from Ding0 Returns ------- """ for s in ['retail', 'industrial', 'agricultural', 'residential']: if s not in aggr['load']: aggr['load'][s] = 0 aggr['load']['retail'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_retail for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['industrial'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_industrial for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['agricultural'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_agricultural for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['residential'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_residential for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) return aggr aggregated = {} aggr_stations = [] # ToDo: The variable generation_aggr is further used -> delete this code generation_aggr = {} for la in la_centers[0].grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas: for lvgd in la._lv_grid_districts: for gen in lvgd.lv_grid.generators(): if la.is_aggregated: generation_aggr.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation_aggr[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'ding0': 0}) generation_aggr[gen.type][gen.subtype].setdefault('ding0', 0) generation_aggr[gen.type][gen.subtype]['ding0'] += gen.capacity dingo_import_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=('id', 'capacity', 'agg_geno') ) for la_center in la_centers: aggr = {'generation': {}, 'load': {}, 'aggregates': []} # Determine aggregated generation in LV grid for lvgd in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts: weather_cell_ids = {} for gen in lvgd.lv_grid.generators(): aggr = aggregate_generators(gen, aggr) # Get the aggregated weather cell id of the area # b if isinstance(gen, GeneratorFluctuatingDing0): if gen.weather_cell_id not in weather_cell_ids.keys(): weather_cell_ids[gen.weather_cell_id] = 1 else: weather_cell_ids[gen.weather_cell_id] += 1 dingo_import_data.loc[len(dingo_import_data)] = \ [int(gen.id_db), gen.capacity, None] # Get the weather cell id that occurs the most if there are any generators if not(list(lvgd.lv_grid.generators())): weather_cell_id = None else: if weather_cell_ids: weather_cell_id = list(weather_cell_ids.keys())[ list(weather_cell_ids.values()).index( max(weather_cell_ids.values()))] else: weather_cell_id = None for v_level in aggr['generation']: for type in aggr['generation'][v_level]: for subtype in aggr['generation'][v_level][type]: # make sure to check if there are any generators before assigning # a weather cell id if not(list(lvgd.lv_grid.generators())): pass else: aggr['generation'][v_level][type][subtype]['weather_cell_id'] = \ weather_cell_id # Determine aggregated load in MV grid # -> Implement once laods in Ding0 MV grids exist # Determine aggregated load in LV grid aggr = aggregate_loads(la_center, aggr) # Collect metadata of aggregated load areas aggr['aggregates'] = { 'population': la_center.lv_load_area.zensus_sum, 'geom': la_center.lv_load_area.geo_area} # Determine LV grids/ stations that are aggregated for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts: aggr_stations.append(_.lv_grid.station()) # add elements to lists aggregated.update({la_center.id_db: aggr}) return aggregated, aggr_stations, dingo_import_data def _attach_aggregated(network, grid, aggregated, ding0_grid): """Add Generators and Loads to MV station representing aggregated generation capacity and load Parameters ---------- grid: MVGrid MV grid object aggregated: dict Information about aggregated load and generation capacity. For information about the structure of the dict see ... . ding0_grid: ding0.Network Ding0 network container Returns ------- MVGrid Altered instance of MV grid including aggregated load and generation """ aggr_line_type =['MV_cables'].iloc[['MV_cables']['I_max_th'].idxmax()] for la_id, la in aggregated.items(): # add aggregated generators for v_level, val in la['generation'].items(): for type, val2 in val.items(): for subtype, val3 in val2.items(): if type in ['solar', 'wind']: gen = GeneratorFluctuating( id='agg-' + str(la_id) + '-' + '_'.join( [str(_) for _ in val3['ids']]), nominal_capacity=val3['capacity'], weather_cell_id=val3['weather_cell_id'], type=type, subtype=subtype, geom=grid.station.geom, grid=grid, v_level=4) else: gen = Generator( id='agg-' + str(la_id) + '-' + '_'.join( [str(_) for _ in val3['ids']]), nominal_capacity=val3['capacity'], type=type, subtype=subtype, geom=grid.station.geom, grid=grid, v_level=4) grid.graph.add_node(gen, type='generator_aggr') # backup reference of geno to LV geno list (save geno # where the former LV genos are aggregated in) network.dingo_import_data.set_value(network.dingo_import_data['id'].isin(val3['ids']), 'agg_geno', gen) # connect generator to MV station line = Line(id='line_aggr_generator_la_' + str(la_id) + '_vlevel_{v_level}_' '{subtype}'.format( v_level=v_level, subtype=subtype), type=aggr_line_type, kind='cable', length=1e-3, grid=grid) grid.graph.add_edge(grid.station, gen, line=line, type='line_aggr') for sector, sectoral_load in la['load'].items(): load = Load( geom=grid.station.geom, consumption={sector: sectoral_load}, grid=grid, id='_'.join(['Load_aggregated', sector, repr(grid), str(la_id)])) grid.graph.add_node(load, type='load') # connect aggregated load to MV station line = Line(id='_'.join(['line_aggr_load_la_' + str(la_id), sector, str(la_id)]), type=aggr_line_type, kind='cable', length=1e-3, grid=grid) grid.graph.add_edge(grid.station, load, line=line, type='line_aggr') def _validate_ding0_grid_import(mv_grid, ding0_mv_grid, lv_grid_mapping): """Cross-check imported data with original data source Parameters ---------- mv_grid: MVGrid eDisGo MV grid instance ding0_mv_grid: MVGridDing0 Ding0 MV grid instance lv_grid_mapping: dict Translates Ding0 LV grids to associated, newly created eDisGo LV grids """ # Check number of components in MV grid _validate_ding0_mv_grid_import(mv_grid, ding0_mv_grid) # Check number of components in LV grid _validate_ding0_lv_grid_import(mv_grid.lv_grids, ding0_mv_grid, lv_grid_mapping) # Check cumulative load and generation in MV grid district _validate_load_generation(mv_grid, ding0_mv_grid) def _validate_ding0_mv_grid_import(grid, ding0_grid): """Verify imported data with original data from Ding0 Parameters ---------- grid: MVGrid MV Grid data (eDisGo) ding0_grid: ding0.MVGridDing0 Ding0 MV grid object Notes ----- The data validation excludes grid components located in aggregated load areas as these are represented differently in eDisGo. Returns ------- dict Dict showing data integrity for each type of grid component """ integrity_checks = ['branch_tee', 'disconnection_point', 'mv_transformer', 'lv_station'#,'line', ] data_integrity = {} data_integrity.update({_: {'ding0': None, 'edisgo': None, 'msg': None} for _ in integrity_checks}) # Check number of branch tees data_integrity['branch_tee']['ding0'] = len(ding0_grid._cable_distributors) data_integrity['branch_tee']['edisgo'] = len( grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('branch_tee')) # Check number of disconnecting points data_integrity['disconnection_point']['ding0'] = len( ding0_grid._circuit_breakers) data_integrity['disconnection_point']['edisgo'] = len( grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('mv_disconnecting_point')) # Check number of MV transformers data_integrity['mv_transformer']['ding0'] = len( list(ding0_grid.station().transformers())) data_integrity['mv_transformer']['edisgo'] = len( grid.station.transformers) # Check number of LV stations in MV grid (graph) data_integrity['lv_station']['edisgo'] = len(grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute( 'lv_station')) data_integrity['lv_station']['ding0'] = len( [_ for _ in ding0_grid._graph.nodes() if (isinstance(_, LVStationDing0) and not _.grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.is_aggregated)]) # Check number of lines outside aggregated LA # edges_w_la = grid.graph.lines() # data_integrity['line']['edisgo'] = len([_ for _ in edges_w_la # if not (_['adj_nodes'][0] == grid.station or # _['adj_nodes'][1] == grid.station) and # _['line']._length > .5]) # data_integrity['line']['ding0'] = len( # [_ for _ in ding0_grid.lines() # if not _['branch'].connects_aggregated]) # raise an error if data does not match for c in integrity_checks: if data_integrity[c]['edisgo'] != data_integrity[c]['ding0']: raise ValueError( 'Unequal number of objects for {c}. ' '\n\tDing0:\t{ding0_no}' '\n\teDisGo:\t{edisgo_no}'.format( c=c, ding0_no=data_integrity[c]['ding0'], edisgo_no=data_integrity[c]['edisgo'])) return data_integrity def _validate_ding0_lv_grid_import(grids, ding0_grid, lv_grid_mapping): """Verify imported data with original data from Ding0 Parameters ---------- grids: list of LVGrid LV Grid data (eDisGo) ding0_grid: ding0.MVGridDing0 Ding0 MV grid object lv_grid_mapping: dict Defines relationship between Ding0 and eDisGo grid objects Notes ----- The data validation excludes grid components located in aggregated load areas as these are represented differently in eDisGo. Returns ------- dict Dict showing data integrity for each type of grid component """ integrity_checks = ['branch_tee', 'lv_transformer', 'generator', 'load','line'] data_integrity = {} for grid in grids: data_integrity.update({grid:{_: {'ding0': None, 'edisgo': None, 'msg': None} for _ in integrity_checks}}) # Check number of branch tees data_integrity[grid]['branch_tee']['ding0'] = len( lv_grid_mapping[grid]._cable_distributors) data_integrity[grid]['branch_tee']['edisgo'] = len( grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('branch_tee')) # Check number of LV transformers data_integrity[grid]['lv_transformer']['ding0'] = len( list(lv_grid_mapping[grid].station().transformers())) data_integrity[grid]['lv_transformer']['edisgo'] = len( grid.station.transformers) # Check number of generators data_integrity[grid]['generator']['edisgo'] = len( grid.generators) data_integrity[grid]['generator']['ding0'] = len( list(lv_grid_mapping[grid].generators())) # Check number of loads data_integrity[grid]['load']['edisgo'] = len( grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('load')) data_integrity[grid]['load']['ding0'] = len( list(lv_grid_mapping[grid].loads())) # Check number of lines outside aggregated LA data_integrity[grid]['line']['edisgo'] = len( list(grid.graph.lines())) data_integrity[grid]['line']['ding0'] = len( [_ for _ in lv_grid_mapping[grid].graph_edges() if not _['branch'].connects_aggregated]) # raise an error if data does not match for grid in grids: for c in integrity_checks: if data_integrity[grid][c]['edisgo'] != data_integrity[grid][c]['ding0']: raise ValueError( 'Unequal number of objects in grid {grid} for {c}. ' '\n\tDing0:\t{ding0_no}' '\n\teDisGo:\t{edisgo_no}'.format( grid=grid, c=c, ding0_no=data_integrity[grid][c]['ding0'], edisgo_no=data_integrity[grid][c]['edisgo'])) def _validate_load_generation(mv_grid, ding0_mv_grid): """ Parameters ---------- mv_grid ding0_mv_grid Notes ----- Only loads in LV grids are compared as currently Ding0 does not have MV connected loads """ decimal_places = 6 tol = 10 ** -decimal_places sectors = ['retail', 'industrial', 'agricultural', 'residential'] consumption = {_: {'edisgo': 0, 'ding0':0} for _ in sectors} # Collect eDisGo LV loads for lv_grid in mv_grid.lv_grids: for load in lv_grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('load'): for s in sectors: consumption[s]['edisgo'] += load.consumption.get(s, 0) # Collect Ding0 LV loads for la in ding0_mv_grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas: for lvgd in la._lv_grid_districts: for load in lvgd.lv_grid.loads(): for s in sectors: consumption[s]['ding0'] += load.consumption.get(s, 0) # Compare cumulative load for k, v in consumption.items(): if v['edisgo'] != v['ding0']: raise ValueError( 'Consumption for {sector} does not match! ' '\n\tDing0:\t{ding0}' '\n\teDisGo:\t{edisgo}'.format( sector=k, ding0=v['ding0'], edisgo=v['edisgo'])) # Compare cumulative generation capacity mv_gens = mv_grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('generator') lv_gens = [] [lv_gens.extend(_.graph.nodes_by_attribute('generator')) for _ in mv_grid.lv_grids] gens_aggr = mv_grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('generator_aggr') generation = {} generation_aggr = {} # collect eDisGo cumulative generation capacity for gen in mv_gens + lv_gens: generation.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'edisgo': 0}) generation[gen.type][gen.subtype]['edisgo'] += gen.nominal_capacity for gen in gens_aggr: generation_aggr.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation_aggr[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'edisgo': 0}) generation_aggr[gen.type][gen.subtype]['edisgo'] += gen.nominal_capacity generation.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'edisgo': 0}) generation[gen.type][gen.subtype]['edisgo'] += gen.nominal_capacity # collect Ding0 MV generation capacity for gen in ding0_mv_grid.generators(): generation.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'ding0': 0}) generation[gen.type][gen.subtype].setdefault('ding0', 0) generation[gen.type][gen.subtype]['ding0'] += gen.capacity # Collect Ding0 LV generation capacity for la in ding0_mv_grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas: for lvgd in la._lv_grid_districts: for gen in lvgd.lv_grid.generators(): if la.is_aggregated: generation_aggr.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation_aggr[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'ding0': 0}) generation_aggr[gen.type][gen.subtype].setdefault('ding0', 0) generation_aggr[gen.type][gen.subtype]['ding0'] += gen.capacity generation.setdefault(gen.type, {}) generation[gen.type].setdefault(gen.subtype, {'ding0': 0}) generation[gen.type][gen.subtype].setdefault('ding0', 0) generation[gen.type][gen.subtype]['ding0'] += gen.capacity # Compare cumulative generation capacity for k1, v1 in generation.items(): for k2, v2 in v1.items(): if abs(v2['edisgo'] - v2['ding0']) > tol: raise ValueError( 'Generation capacity of {type} {subtype} does not match! ' '\n\tDing0:\t{ding0}' '\n\teDisGo:\t{edisgo}'.format( type=k1, subtype=k2, ding0=v2['ding0'], edisgo=v2['edisgo'])) # Compare aggregated generation capacity for k1, v1 in generation_aggr.items(): for k2, v2 in v1.items(): if abs(v2['edisgo'] - v2['ding0']) > tol: raise ValueError( 'Aggregated generation capacity of {type} {subtype} does ' 'not match! ' '\n\tDing0:\t{ding0}' '\n\teDisGo:\t{edisgo}'.format( type=k1, subtype=k2, ding0=v2['ding0'], edisgo=v2['edisgo']))
[docs]def import_generators(network, data_source=None, file=None): """Import generator data from source. The generator data include * nom. capacity * type ToDo: specify! * timeseries Additional data which can be processed (e.g. used in OEDB data) are * location * type * subtype * capacity Parameters ---------- network: :class:`` The eDisGo container object data_source: :obj:`str` Data source. Supported sources: * 'oedb' file: :obj:`str` File to import data from, required when using file-based sources. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` List of generators """ if data_source == 'oedb': logging.warning('Right now only solar and wind generators can be ' 'imported from the oedb.') _import_genos_from_oedb(network=network) network.mv_grid._weather_cells = None if network.pypsa is not None: pypsa_io.update_pypsa_generator_import(network) elif data_source == 'pypsa': _import_genos_from_pypsa(network=network, file=file) else: logger.error("Invalid option {} for generator import. Must either be " "'oedb' or 'pypsa'.".format(data_source)) raise ValueError('The option you specified is not supported.')
def _import_genos_from_oedb(network): """Import generator data from the Open Energy Database (OEDB). The importer uses SQLAlchemy ORM objects. These are defined in, see Parameters ---------- network: :class:`` The eDisGo container object Notes ------ Right now only solar and wind generators can be imported. """ def _import_conv_generators(session): """Import conventional (conv) generators Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` List of medium-voltage generators Notes ----- You can find a full list of columns in :func:`` """ # build query generators_sqla = session.query(, orm_conv_generators.columns.subst_id, orm_conv_generators.columns.la_id, orm_conv_generators.columns.capacity, orm_conv_generators.columns.type, orm_conv_generators.columns.voltage_level, orm_conv_generators.columns.fuel, func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Transform( orm_conv_generators.columns.geom, srid)) ). \ filter(orm_conv_generators.columns.subst_id == \ filter(orm_conv_generators.columns.voltage_level.in_([4, 5, 6, 7])). \ filter(orm_conv_generators_version) # read data from db generators_mv = pd.read_sql_query(generators_sqla.statement, session.bind, index_col='id') return generators_mv def _import_res_generators(session): """Import renewable (res) generators Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` List of medium-voltage generators :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` List of low-voltage generators Notes ----- You can find a full list of columns in :func:`` If subtype is not specified it's set to 'unknown'. """ # Create filter for generation technologies # ToDo: This needs to be removed when all generators can be imported types_filter = orm_re_generators.columns.generation_type.in_( ['solar', 'wind']) # build basic query generators_sqla = session.query(, orm_re_generators.columns.subst_id, orm_re_generators.columns.la_id, orm_re_generators.columns.mvlv_subst_id, orm_re_generators.columns.electrical_capacity, orm_re_generators.columns.generation_type, orm_re_generators.columns.generation_subtype, orm_re_generators.columns.voltage_level, orm_re_generators.columns.w_id, func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Transform( orm_re_generators.columns.rea_geom_new, srid)).label('geom'), func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Transform( orm_re_generators.columns.geom, srid)).label('geom_em')). \ filter(orm_re_generators.columns.subst_id == \ filter(orm_re_generators_version). \ filter(types_filter) # extend basic query for MV generators and read data from db generators_mv_sqla = generators_sqla. \ filter(orm_re_generators.columns.voltage_level.in_([4, 5])) generators_mv = pd.read_sql_query(generators_mv_sqla.statement, session.bind, index_col='id') # define generators with unknown subtype as 'unknown' generators_mv.loc[generators_mv[ 'generation_subtype'].isnull(), 'generation_subtype'] = 'unknown' # extend basic query for LV generators and read data from db generators_lv_sqla = generators_sqla. \ filter(orm_re_generators.columns.voltage_level.in_([6, 7])) generators_lv = pd.read_sql_query(generators_lv_sqla.statement, session.bind, index_col='id') # define generators with unknown subtype as 'unknown' generators_lv.loc[generators_lv[ 'generation_subtype'].isnull(), 'generation_subtype'] = 'unknown' return generators_mv, generators_lv def _update_grids(network, generators_mv, generators_lv, remove_missing=True): """Update imported status quo DINGO-grid according to new generator dataset It * adds new generators to grid if they do not exist * updates existing generators if parameters have changed * removes existing generators from grid which do not exist in the imported dataset Steps: * Step 1: MV generators: Update existing, create new, remove decommissioned * Step 2: LV generators (single units): Update existing, remove decommissioned * Step 3: LV generators (in aggregated MV generators): Update existing, remove decommissioned (aggregated MV generators = originally LV generators from aggregated Load Areas which were aggregated during import from ding0.) * Step 4: LV generators (single units + aggregated MV generators): Create new Parameters ---------- network: :class:`` The eDisGo container object generators_mv: :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` List of MV generators Columns: * id: :obj:`int` (index column) * electrical_capacity: :obj:`float` (unit: kW) * generation_type: :obj:`str` (e.g. 'solar') * generation_subtype: :obj:`str` (e.g. 'solar_roof_mounted') * voltage level: :obj:`int` (range: 4..7,) * geom: :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` (CRS see config_grid.cfg) * geom_em: :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` (CRS see config_grid.cfg) generators_lv: :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` List of LV generators Columns: * id: :obj:`int` (index column) * mvlv_subst_id: :obj:`int` (id of MV-LV substation in grid = grid which the generator will be connected to) * electrical_capacity: :obj:`float` (unit: kW) * generation_type: :obj:`str` (e.g. 'solar') * generation_subtype: :obj:`str` (e.g. 'solar_roof_mounted') * voltage level: :obj:`int` (range: 4..7,) * geom: :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` (CRS see config_grid.cfg) * geom_em: :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` (CRS see config_grid.cfg) remove_missing: :obj:`bool` If true, remove generators from grid which are not included in the imported dataset. """ # set capacity difference threshold cap_diff_threshold = 10 ** -4 # get existing generators in MV and LV grids g_mv, g_lv, g_mv_agg = _build_generator_list(network=network) # print current capacity capacity_grid = 0 capacity_grid += sum([row['obj'].nominal_capacity for id, row in g_mv.iterrows()]) capacity_grid += sum([row['obj'].nominal_capacity for id, row in g_lv.iterrows()]) capacity_grid += sum([row['obj'].nominal_capacity for id, row in g_mv_agg.iterrows()]) logger.debug('Cumulative generator capacity (existing): {} kW' .format(str(round(capacity_grid, 1))) ) # ====================================== # Step 1: MV generators (existing + new) # ====================================== logger.debug('==> MV generators') logger.debug('{} generators imported.' .format(str(len(generators_mv)))) # get existing genos (status quo DF format) g_mv_existing = g_mv[g_mv['id'].isin(list(generators_mv.index.values))] # get existing genos (new genos DF format) generators_mv_existing = generators_mv[generators_mv.index.isin(list(g_mv_existing['id']))] # remove existing ones from grid's geno list g_mv = g_mv[~g_mv.isin(g_mv_existing)].dropna() # TEMP: BACKUP 1 GENO FOR TESTING #temp_geno = generators_mv_existing.iloc[0] #temp_geno['geom_em'] = temp_geno['geom_em'].replace('10.667', '10.64') # iterate over exiting generators and check whether capacity has changed log_geno_count = 0 log_geno_cap = 0 for id, row in generators_mv_existing.iterrows(): geno_existing = g_mv_existing[g_mv_existing['id'] == id]['obj'].iloc[0] # check if capacity equals; if not: update capacity if abs(row['electrical_capacity'] - \ geno_existing.nominal_capacity) < cap_diff_threshold: continue else: log_geno_cap += row['electrical_capacity'] - geno_existing.nominal_capacity log_geno_count += 1 geno_existing.nominal_capacity = row['electrical_capacity'] # check if cap=0 (this may happen if dp is buggy) if row['electrical_capacity'] <= 0: geno_existing.grid.graph.remove_node(geno_existing) logger.warning('Capacity of generator {} is <=0, generator removed. ' 'Check your data source.' .format(repr(geno_existing)) ) logger.debug('Capacities of {} of {} existing generators updated ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(generators_mv_existing) - log_geno_count), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # new genos log_geno_count = 0 log_geno_cap = 0 generators_mv_new = generators_mv[~generators_mv.index.isin( list(g_mv_existing['id']))] # remove them from grid's geno list g_mv = g_mv[~g_mv.isin(list(generators_mv_new.index.values))].dropna() # TEMP: INSERT BACKUPPED GENO IN DF FOR TESTING #generators_mv_new = generators_mv_new.append(temp_geno) # iterate over new generators and create them for id, row in generators_mv_new.iterrows(): # check if geom is available, skip otherwise geom = _check_geom(id, row) if not geom: logger.warning('Generator {} has no geom entry at all and will' 'not be imported!'.format(id)) continue # create generator object and add it to MV grid's graph if row['generation_type'] in ['solar', 'wind']: network.mv_grid.graph.add_node( GeneratorFluctuating( id=id, grid=network.mv_grid, nominal_capacity=row['electrical_capacity'], type=row['generation_type'], subtype=row['generation_subtype'], v_level=int(row['voltage_level']), weather_cell_id=row['w_id'], geom=wkt_loads(geom)), type='generator') else: network.mv_grid.graph.add_node( Generator(id=id, grid=network.mv_grid, nominal_capacity=row['electrical_capacity'], type=row['generation_type'], subtype=row['generation_subtype'], v_level=int(row['voltage_level']), geom=wkt_loads(geom) ), type='generator') log_geno_cap += row['electrical_capacity'] log_geno_count += 1 logger.debug('{} of {} new generators added ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(generators_mv_new)), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # remove decommissioned genos # (genos which exist in grid but not in the new dataset) log_geno_cap = 0 if not g_mv.empty and remove_missing: log_geno_count = 0 for _, row in g_mv.iterrows(): log_geno_cap += row['obj'].nominal_capacity row['obj'].grid.graph.remove_node(row['obj']) log_geno_count += 1 logger.debug('{} of {} decommissioned generators removed ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(g_mv)), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # ============================================= # Step 2: LV generators (single existing units) # ============================================= logger.debug('==> LV generators') logger.debug('{} generators imported.'.format(str(len(generators_lv)))) # get existing genos (status quo DF format) g_lv_existing = g_lv[g_lv['id'].isin(list(generators_lv.index.values))] # get existing genos (new genos DF format) generators_lv_existing = generators_lv[generators_lv.index.isin(list(g_lv_existing['id']))] # TEMP: BACKUP 1 GENO FOR TESTING # temp_geno = g_lv.iloc[0] # remove existing ones from grid's geno list g_lv = g_lv[~g_lv.isin(g_lv_existing)].dropna() # iterate over exiting generators and check whether capacity has changed log_geno_count = 0 log_geno_cap = 0 for id, row in generators_lv_existing.iterrows(): geno_existing = g_lv_existing[g_lv_existing['id'] == id]['obj'].iloc[0] # check if capacity equals; if not: update capacity if abs(row['electrical_capacity'] - \ geno_existing.nominal_capacity) < cap_diff_threshold: continue else: log_geno_cap += row['electrical_capacity'] - geno_existing.nominal_capacity log_geno_count += 1 geno_existing.nominal_capacity = row['electrical_capacity'] logger.debug('Capacities of {} of {} existing generators (single units) updated ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(generators_lv_existing) - log_geno_count), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # TEMP: INSERT BACKUPPED GENO IN DF FOR TESTING # g_lv.loc[len(g_lv)] = temp_geno # remove decommissioned genos # (genos which exist in grid but not in the new dataset) log_geno_cap = 0 if not g_lv.empty and remove_missing: log_geno_count = 0 for _, row in g_lv.iterrows(): log_geno_cap += row['obj'].nominal_capacity row['obj'].grid.graph.remove_node(row['obj']) log_geno_count += 1 logger.debug('{} of {} decommissioned generators (single units) removed ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(g_lv)), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # ==================================================================================== # Step 3: LV generators (existing in aggregated units (originally from aggregated LA)) # ==================================================================================== g_lv_agg = network.dingo_import_data g_lv_agg_existing = g_lv_agg[g_lv_agg['id'].isin(list(generators_lv.index.values))] generators_lv_agg_existing = generators_lv[generators_lv.index.isin(list(g_lv_agg_existing['id']))] # TEMP: BACKUP 1 GENO FOR TESTING # temp_geno = g_lv_agg.iloc[0] g_lv_agg = g_lv_agg[~g_lv_agg.isin(g_lv_agg_existing)].dropna() log_geno_count = 0 log_agg_geno_list = [] log_geno_cap = 0 for id, row in generators_lv_agg_existing.iterrows(): # check if capacity equals; if not: update capacity off agg. geno cap_diff = row['electrical_capacity'] - \ g_lv_agg_existing[g_lv_agg_existing['id'] == id]['capacity'].iloc[0] if abs(cap_diff) < cap_diff_threshold: continue else: agg_geno = g_lv_agg_existing[g_lv_agg_existing['id'] == id]['agg_geno'].iloc[0] agg_geno.nominal_capacity += cap_diff log_geno_cap += cap_diff log_geno_count += 1 log_agg_geno_list.append(agg_geno) logger.debug('Capacities of {} of {} existing generators (in {} of {} aggregated units) ' 'updated ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(generators_lv_agg_existing) - log_geno_count), str(len(set(log_agg_geno_list))), str(len(g_lv_agg_existing['agg_geno'].unique())), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # TEMP: INSERT BACKUPPED GENO IN DF FOR TESTING # g_lv_agg.loc[len(g_lv_agg)] = temp_geno # remove decommissioned genos # (genos which exist in grid but not in the new dataset) log_geno_cap = 0 if not g_lv_agg.empty and remove_missing: log_geno_count = 0 for _, row in g_lv_agg.iterrows(): row['agg_geno'].nominal_capacity -= row['capacity'] log_geno_cap += row['capacity'] # remove LV geno id from id string of agg. geno id = row['agg_geno'].id.split('-') ids = id[2].split('_') ids.remove(str(int(row['id']))) row['agg_geno'].id = '-'.join([id[0], id[1], '_'.join(ids)]) # after removing the LV geno from agg geno, is the agg. geno empty? # if yes, remove it from grid if not ids: row['agg_geno'].grid.graph.remove_node(row['agg_geno']) log_geno_count += 1 logger.debug('{} of {} decommissioned generators in aggregated generators removed ({} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count), str(len(g_lv_agg)), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) # ==================================================================== # Step 4: LV generators (new single units + genos in aggregated units) # ==================================================================== # new genos log_geno_count =\ log_agg_geno_new_count =\ log_agg_geno_upd_count = 0 # TEMP: BACKUP 1 GENO FOR TESTING #temp_geno = generators_lv[generators_lv.index == g_lv_existing.iloc[0]['id']] generators_lv_new = generators_lv[~generators_lv.index.isin(list(g_lv_existing['id'])) & ~generators_lv.index.isin(list(g_lv_agg_existing['id']))] # TEMP: INSERT BACKUPPED GENO IN DF FOR TESTING #generators_lv_new = generators_lv_new.append(temp_geno) # dict for new agg. generators agg_geno_new = {} # get LV grid districts lv_grid_dict = _build_lv_grid_dict(network) # get predefined random seed and initialize random generator seed = int(network.config['grid_connection']['random_seed']) random.seed(a=seed) # check if none of new generators can be allocated to an existing LV grid if not any([_ in lv_grid_dict.keys() for _ in list(generators_lv_new['mvlv_subst_id'])]): logger.warning('None of the imported generators can be allocated ' 'to an existing LV grid. Check compatibility of grid ' 'and generator datasets.') # iterate over new (single unit or part of agg. unit) generators and create them log_geno_cap = 0 for id, row in generators_lv_new.iterrows(): lv_geno_added_to_agg_geno = False # new unit is part of agg. LA (mvlv_subst_id is different from existing # ones in LV grids of non-agg. load areas) if (row['mvlv_subst_id'] not in lv_grid_dict.keys() and row['la_id'] and not isnan(row['la_id']) and row['mvlv_subst_id'] and not isnan(row['mvlv_subst_id'])): # check if new unit can be added to existing agg. generator # (LA id, type and subtype match) -> update existing agg. generator. # Normally, this case should not occur since `subtype` of new genos # is set to a new value (e.g. 'solar') for _, agg_row in g_mv_agg.iterrows(): if (agg_row['la_id'] == int(row['la_id']) and agg_row['obj'].type == row['generation_type'] and agg_row['obj'].subtype == row['generation_subtype']): agg_row['obj'].nominal_capacity += row['electrical_capacity'] agg_row['obj'].id += '_{}'.format(str(id)) log_agg_geno_upd_count += 1 lv_geno_added_to_agg_geno = True if not lv_geno_added_to_agg_geno: la_id = int(row['la_id']) if la_id not in agg_geno_new: agg_geno_new[la_id] = {} if row['voltage_level'] not in agg_geno_new[la_id]: agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']] = {} if row['generation_type'] not in agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']]: agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']][row['generation_type']] = {} if row['generation_subtype'] not in \ agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']][row['generation_type']]: agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']][row['generation_type']]\ .update({row['generation_subtype']: {'ids': [int(id)], 'capacity': row['electrical_capacity'] } } ) else: agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']][row['generation_type']] \ [row['generation_subtype']]['ids'].append(int(id)) agg_geno_new[la_id][row['voltage_level']][row['generation_type']] \ [row['generation_subtype']]['capacity'] += row['electrical_capacity'] # new generator is a single (non-aggregated) unit else: # check if geom is available geom = _check_geom(id, row) if row['generation_type'] in ['solar', 'wind']: gen = GeneratorFluctuating( id=id, grid=None, nominal_capacity=row['electrical_capacity'], type=row['generation_type'], subtype=row['generation_subtype'], v_level=int(row['voltage_level']), weather_cell_id=row['w_id'], geom=wkt_loads(geom) if geom else geom) else: gen = Generator(id=id, grid=None, nominal_capacity=row[ 'electrical_capacity'], type=row['generation_type'], subtype=row['generation_subtype'], v_level=int(row['voltage_level']), geom=wkt_loads(geom) if geom else geom) # TEMP: REMOVE MVLV SUBST ID FOR TESTING #row['mvlv_subst_id'] = None # check if MV-LV substation id exists. if not, allocate to # random one lv_grid = _check_mvlv_subst_id( generator=gen, mvlv_subst_id=row['mvlv_subst_id'], lv_grid_dict=lv_grid_dict) gen.grid = lv_grid lv_grid.graph.add_node(gen, type='generator') log_geno_count += 1 log_geno_cap += row['electrical_capacity'] # there are new agg. generators to be created if agg_geno_new: pfac_mv_gen = network.config['reactive_power_factor']['mv_gen'] # add aggregated generators for la_id, val in agg_geno_new.items(): for v_level, val2 in val.items(): for type, val3 in val2.items(): for subtype, val4 in val3.items(): if type in ['solar', 'wind']: gen = GeneratorFluctuating( id='agg-' + str(la_id) + '-' + '_'.join([ str(_) for _ in val4['ids']]), grid=network.mv_grid, nominal_capacity=val4['capacity'], type=type, subtype=subtype, v_level=4, # ToDo: get correct w_id weather_cell_id=row['w_id'], geom=network.mv_grid.station.geom) else: gen = Generator( id='agg-' + str(la_id) + '-' + '_'.join([ str(_) for _ in val4['ids']]), nominal_capacity=val4['capacity'], type=type, subtype=subtype, geom=network.mv_grid.station.geom, grid=network.mv_grid, v_level=4) network.mv_grid.graph.add_node( gen, type='generator_aggr') # select cable type line_type, line_count = select_cable( network=network, level='mv', apparent_power=gen.nominal_capacity / pfac_mv_gen) # connect generator to MV station line = Line(id='line_aggr_generator_la_' + str(la_id) + '_vlevel_{v_level}_' '{subtype}'.format( v_level=v_level, subtype=subtype), type=line_type, kind='cable', quantity=line_count, length=1e-3, grid=network.mv_grid) network.mv_grid.graph.add_edge(network.mv_grid.station, gen, line=line, type='line_aggr') log_agg_geno_new_count += len(val4['ids']) log_geno_cap += val4['capacity'] logger.debug('{} of {} new generators added ({} single units, {} to existing ' 'agg. generators and {} units as new aggregated generators) ' '(total: {} kW).' .format(str(log_geno_count + log_agg_geno_new_count + log_agg_geno_upd_count), str(len(generators_lv_new)), str(log_geno_count), str(log_agg_geno_upd_count), str(log_agg_geno_new_count), str(round(log_geno_cap, 1)) ) ) def _check_geom(id, row): """Checks if a valid geom is available in dataset If yes, this geom will be used. If not: * MV generators: use geom from EnergyMap. * LV generators: set geom to None. It is re-set in :func:`` to MV-LV station's geom. EnergyMap's geom is not used since it is more inaccurate than the station's geom. Parameters ---------- id : :obj:`int` Id of generator row : :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` Generator dataset Returns ------- :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` or None Geom of generator. None, if no geom is available. """ geom = None # check if geom is available if row['geom']: geom = row['geom'] else: # MV generators: set geom to EnergyMap's geom, if available if int(row['voltage_level']) in [4,5]: # check if original geom from Energy Map is available if row['geom_em']: geom = row['geom_em'] logger.debug('Generator {} has no geom entry, EnergyMap\'s geom entry will be used.' .format(id) ) return geom def _check_mvlv_subst_id(generator, mvlv_subst_id, lv_grid_dict): """Checks if MV-LV substation id of single LV generator is missing or invalid. If so, a random one from existing stations in LV grids will be assigned. Parameters ---------- generator : :class:`~.grid.components.Generator` LV generator mvlv_subst_id : :obj:`int` MV-LV substation id lv_grid_dict : :obj:`dict` Dict of existing LV grids Format: {:obj:`int`: :class:`~.grid.grids.LVGrid`} Returns ------- :class:`~.grid.grids.LVGrid` LV grid of generator """ if mvlv_subst_id and not isnan(mvlv_subst_id): # assume that given LA exists try: # get LV grid lv_grid = lv_grid_dict[mvlv_subst_id] # if no geom, use geom of station if not generator.geom: generator.geom = lv_grid.station.geom logger.debug('Generator {} has no geom entry, stations\' geom will be used.' .format( ) return lv_grid # if LA/LVGD does not exist, choose random LVGD and move generator to station of LVGD # this occurs due to exclusion of LA with peak load < 1kW except: lv_grid = random.choice(list(lv_grid_dict.values())) generator.geom = lv_grid.station.geom logger.warning('Generator {} cannot be assigned to ' 'non-existent LV Grid and was ' 'allocated to a random LV Grid ({}); ' 'geom was set to stations\' geom.' .format(repr(generator), repr(lv_grid))) pass return lv_grid else: lv_grid = random.choice(list(lv_grid_dict.values())) generator.geom = lv_grid.station.geom logger.warning('Generator {} has no mvlv_subst_id and was ' 'allocated to a random LV Grid ({}); ' 'geom was set to stations\' geom.' .format(repr(generator), repr(lv_grid))) pass return lv_grid def _validate_generation(): """Validate generators in updated grids The validation uses the cumulative capacity of all generators. """ # ToDo: Valdate conv. genos too! # set capacity difference threshold cap_diff_threshold = 10 ** -4 capacity_imported = generators_res_mv['electrical_capacity'].sum() + \ generators_res_lv['electrical_capacity'].sum() #+ \ #generators_conv_mv['capacity'].sum() capacity_grid = 0 # MV genos for geno in network.mv_grid.generators: capacity_grid += geno.nominal_capacity # LV genos for lv_grid in network.mv_grid.lv_grids: for geno in lv_grid.generators: capacity_grid += geno.nominal_capacity logger.debug('Cumulative generator capacity (updated): {} kW' .format(str(round(capacity_imported, 1))) ) if abs(capacity_imported - capacity_grid) > cap_diff_threshold: raise ValueError('Cumulative capacity of imported generators ({} kW) ' 'differ from cumulative capacity of generators ' 'in updated grid ({} kW) by {} kW.' .format(str(round(capacity_imported, 1)), str(round(capacity_grid, 1)), str(round(capacity_imported - capacity_grid, 1)) ) ) else: logger.debug('Cumulative capacity of imported generators validated.') def _validate_sample_geno_location(): if all(generators_res_lv['geom'].notnull()) \ and all(generators_res_mv['geom'].notnull()) \ and not generators_res_lv['geom'].empty \ and not generators_res_mv['geom'].empty: # get geom of 1 random MV and 1 random LV generator and transform sample_mv_geno_geom_shp = transform(proj2equidistant(network), wkt_loads(generators_res_mv['geom'] .dropna() .sample(n=1) .item()) ) sample_lv_geno_geom_shp = transform(proj2equidistant(network), wkt_loads(generators_res_lv['geom'] .dropna() .sample(n=1) .item()) ) # get geom of MV grid district mvgd_geom_shp = transform(proj2equidistant(network), network.mv_grid.grid_district['geom'] ) # check if MVGD contains geno if not (mvgd_geom_shp.contains(sample_mv_geno_geom_shp) and mvgd_geom_shp.contains(sample_lv_geno_geom_shp)): raise ValueError('At least one imported generator is not located ' 'in the MV grid area. Check compatibility of ' 'grid and generator datasets.') srid = int(network.config['geo']['srid']) oedb_data_source = network.config['data_source']['oedb_data_source'] scenario = network.generator_scenario if oedb_data_source == 'model_draft': # load ORM names orm_conv_generators_name = network.config['model_draft']['conv_generators_prefix'] + \ scenario + \ network.config['model_draft']['conv_generators_suffix'] orm_re_generators_name = network.config['model_draft']['re_generators_prefix'] + \ scenario + \ network.config['model_draft']['re_generators_suffix'] # import ORMs orm_conv_generators = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_conv_generators_name) orm_re_generators = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_re_generators_name) # set dummy version condition (select all generators) orm_conv_generators_version = 1 == 1 orm_re_generators_version = 1 == 1 elif oedb_data_source == 'versioned': # load ORM names orm_conv_generators_name = network.config['versioned']['conv_generators_prefix'] + \ scenario + \ network.config['versioned']['conv_generators_suffix'] orm_re_generators_name = network.config['versioned']['re_generators_prefix'] + \ scenario + \ network.config['versioned']['re_generators_suffix'] data_version = network.config['versioned']['version'] # import ORMs orm_conv_generators = supply.__getattribute__(orm_conv_generators_name) orm_re_generators = supply.__getattribute__(orm_re_generators_name) # set version condition orm_conv_generators_version = orm_conv_generators.columns.version == data_version orm_re_generators_version = orm_re_generators.columns.version == data_version # get conventional and renewable generators with session_scope() as session: #generators_conv_mv = _import_conv_generators(session) generators_res_mv, generators_res_lv = _import_res_generators( session) #generators_mv = generators_conv_mv.append(generators_res_mv) _validate_sample_geno_location() _update_grids(network=network, #generators_mv=generators_mv, generators_mv=generators_res_mv, generators_lv=generators_res_lv) _validate_generation() connect_mv_generators(network=network) connect_lv_generators(network=network) def _import_genos_from_pypsa(network, file): """Import generator data from a pyPSA file. TBD Parameters ---------- network: :class:`` The eDisGo container object file: :obj:`str` File including path """ raise NotImplementedError # generators = pd.read_csv(file, # comment='#', # index_col='name', # delimiter=',', # decimal='.' # ) def _build_generator_list(network): """Builds DataFrames with all generators in MV and LV grids Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` A DataFrame with id of and reference to MV generators :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` A DataFrame with id of and reference to LV generators :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` A DataFrame with id of and reference to aggregated LV generators """ genos_mv = pd.DataFrame(columns= ('id', 'obj')) genos_lv = pd.DataFrame(columns= ('id', 'obj')) genos_lv_agg = pd.DataFrame(columns= ('la_id', 'id', 'obj')) # MV genos for geno in network.mv_grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('generator'): genos_mv.loc[len(genos_mv)] = [int(, geno] for geno in network.mv_grid.graph.nodes_by_attribute('generator_aggr'): la_id = int('-')[1].split('_')[-1]) genos_lv_agg.loc[len(genos_lv_agg)] = [la_id,, geno] # LV genos for lv_grid in network.mv_grid.lv_grids: for geno in lv_grid.generators: genos_lv.loc[len(genos_lv)] = [int(, geno] return genos_mv, genos_lv, genos_lv_agg def _build_lv_grid_dict(network): """Creates dict of LV grids LV grid ids are used as keys, LV grid references as values. Parameters ---------- network: :class:`` The eDisGo container object Returns ------- :obj:`dict` Format: {:obj:`int`: :class:`~.grid.grids.LVGrid`} """ lv_grid_dict = {} for lv_grid in network.mv_grid.lv_grids: lv_grid_dict[] = lv_grid return lv_grid_dict
[docs]def import_feedin_timeseries(config_data, weather_cell_ids): """ Import RES feed-in time series data and process Parameters ---------- config_data : dict Dictionary containing config data from config files. weather_cell_ids : :obj:`list` List of weather cell id's (integers) to obtain feed-in data for. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Feedin time series """ def _retrieve_timeseries_from_oedb(session): """Retrieve time series from oedb """ # ToDo: add option to retrieve subset of time series # ToDo: find the reference power class for mvgrid/w_id and insert instead of 4 feedin_sqla = session.query( orm_feedin.w_id, orm_feedin.source, orm_feedin.feedin). \ filter(orm_feedin.w_id.in_(weather_cell_ids)). \ filter(orm_feedin.power_class.in_([0, 4])). \ filter(orm_feedin_version) feedin = pd.read_sql_query(feedin_sqla.statement, session.bind, index_col=['source', 'w_id']) return feedin if config_data['data_source']['oedb_data_source'] == 'model_draft': orm_feedin_name = config_data['model_draft']['res_feedin_data'] orm_feedin = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_feedin_name) orm_feedin_version = 1 == 1 else: orm_feedin_name = config_data['versioned']['res_feedin_data'] orm_feedin = supply.__getattribute__(orm_feedin_name) orm_feedin_version = orm_feedin.version == config_data['versioned'][ 'version'] with session_scope() as session: feedin = _retrieve_timeseries_from_oedb(session) feedin.sort_index(axis=0, inplace=True) timeindex = pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=8760, freq='H') recasted_feedin_dict = {} for type_w_id in feedin.index: recasted_feedin_dict[type_w_id] = feedin.loc[ type_w_id, :].values[0] feedin = pd.DataFrame(recasted_feedin_dict, index=timeindex) # rename 'wind_onshore' and 'wind_offshore' to 'wind' new_level = [_ if _ not in ['wind_onshore'] else 'wind' for _ in feedin.columns.levels[0]] feedin.columns.set_levels(new_level, level=0, inplace=True) feedin.columns.rename('type', level=0, inplace=True) feedin.columns.rename('weather_cell_id', level=1, inplace=True) return feedin
[docs]def import_load_timeseries(config_data, data_source, mv_grid_id=None, year=None): """ Import load time series Parameters ---------- config_data : dict Dictionary containing config data from config files. data_source : str Specify type of data source. Available data sources are * 'demandlib' Determine a load time series with the use of the demandlib. This calculates standard load profiles for 4 different sectors. mv_grid_id : :obj:`str` MV grid ID as used in oedb. Provide this if `data_source` is 'oedb'. Default: None. year : int Year for which to generate load time series. Provide this if `data_source` is 'demandlib'. Default: None. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Load time series """ def _import_load_timeseries_from_oedb(config_data, mv_grid_id): """ Retrieve load time series from oedb Parameters ---------- config_data : dict Dictionary containing config data from config files. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Load time series Notes ------ This is currently not a valid option to retrieve load time series since time series in the oedb are not differentiated by sector. An issue concerning this has been created. """ if config_data['versioned']['version'] == 'model_draft': orm_load_name = config_data['model_draft']['load_data'] orm_load = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_load_name) orm_load_areas_name = config_data['model_draft']['load_areas'] orm_load_areas = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_load_areas_name) orm_load_version = 1 == 1 else: orm_load_name = config_data['versioned']['load_data'] # orm_load = supply.__getattribute__(orm_load_name) # ToDo: remove workaround orm_load = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_load_name) # orm_load_version = orm_load.version ==['versioned']['version'] orm_load_areas_name = config_data['versioned']['load_areas'] # orm_load_areas = supply.__getattribute__(orm_load_areas_name) # ToDo: remove workaround orm_load_areas = model_draft.__getattribute__(orm_load_areas_name) # orm_load_areas_version = orm_load.version ==['versioned']['version'] orm_load_version = 1 == 1 with session_scope() as session: load_sqla = session.query( #, orm_load.p_set, orm_load.q_set, orm_load_areas.subst_id). \ join(orm_load_areas, == orm_load_areas.otg_id). \ filter(orm_load_areas.subst_id == mv_grid_id). \ filter(orm_load_version). \ distinct() load = pd.read_sql_query(load_sqla.statement, session.bind, index_col='subst_id') return load def _load_timeseries_demandlib(config_data, year): """ Get normalized sectoral load time series Time series are normalized to 1 kWh consumption per year Parameters ---------- config_data : dict Dictionary containing config data from config files. year : int Year for which to generate load time series. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Load time series """ sectoral_consumption = {'h0': 1, 'g0': 1, 'i0': 1, 'l0': 1} cal = Germany() holidays = dict(cal.holidays(year)) e_slp = bdew.ElecSlp(year, holidays=holidays) # multiply given annual demand with timeseries elec_demand = e_slp.get_profile(sectoral_consumption) # Add the slp for the industrial group ilp = profiles.IndustrialLoadProfile(e_slp.date_time_index, holidays=holidays) # Beginning and end of workday, weekdays and weekend days, and scaling # factors by default elec_demand['i0'] = ilp.simple_profile( sectoral_consumption['i0'], am=datetime.time(config_data['demandlib']['day_start'].hour, config_data['demandlib']['day_start'].minute, 0), pm=datetime.time(config_data['demandlib']['day_end'].hour, config_data['demandlib']['day_end'].minute, 0), profile_factors= {'week': {'day': config_data['demandlib']['week_day'], 'night': config_data['demandlib']['week_night']}, 'weekend': {'day': config_data['demandlib']['weekend_day'], 'night': config_data['demandlib']['weekend_night']}}) # Resample 15-minute values to hourly values and sum across sectors elec_demand = elec_demand.resample('H').mean() return elec_demand if data_source == 'oedb': load = _import_load_timeseries_from_oedb(config_data, mv_grid_id) elif data_source == 'demandlib': load = _load_timeseries_demandlib(config_data, year) load.rename(columns={'g0': 'retail', 'h0': 'residential', 'l0': 'agricultural', 'i0': 'industrial'}, inplace=True) return load